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I'm far from happy Boris won but I am happy Ken lost

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I think Ken, unfortunately is not charismatic enough whereas Boris connects with people as he comes across as a bumbling bufoon and endears himself to the ordinary person. I have to admin, I'm no Tory supporter and would never vote Conservative or Boris, but he is very entertaining to watch on TV

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I said non of those things, so why are you putting wiords into my mouth?

You are obviously an alter ego.


You posted this:

The sooner you and people of your persuation realise that capitalism is dying the better.


How can you deny your own post?

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You posted this:

The sooner you and people of your persuation realise that capitalism is dying the better.


How can you deny your own post?


We are a hybrid capitalist and socialist society as are most of the European countries to varying degrees, pure socialist and capitalist societies do not work, a combination of the two is a happy medium.

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The sooner you and people of your persuation realise that capitalism is dying the better.

We need to get an alternative in place pronto.

Because if we dont, when it does fall, as it will, shortly, the only alternative is the short cut to the Dark Ages, from the Middle East.

That will be disaster.

It took over 1500 years to recover from the fall of Rome, it will take at least as long to recover from the fall of Capitalism.

Tell that to the Korean's the Chinese...


Capitalism is doing really rather well, even with the current difficulties in the UK it's providing better lives for more people than any other system got even close to doing. It's not perfect obviously but what alternative would you suggest?

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Both of them are pretty contemptible but for me at least Ken impressively manages to be even more loathsome than Boris. A hypocritical money grubbing tax dodging "red", disturbingly prone to making worrying comments about Jewish people & seemingly following Galloway's lead in trying to introduce sectarian politics to the mainland. The sooner he crawls off back to Ahmadinejad's propaganda channel the better.


Why should it concern you if you don't live in London? The folk of London seem happy enough with their choice. They keep electing him or Livingstone and non of the others pick up many votes.

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Why should it concern you if you don't live in London? The folk of London seem happy enough with their choice. They keep electing him or Livingstone and non of the others pick up many votes.

Like it or not London affects the whole of the UK, but even if it didn't since when are you only allowed to have opinions about things that directly involve us?


Can I really be the first person on the internet you've ever seen express an opinion about a matter somewhat removed from them? Why do you think there's a General Discussions section on Sheffield Forum?

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