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Usain Bolt and his white girlfriend.

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What does that prove? You're the one obsessed with race and skin colour, not me. You also do not think that the woman on the tram was racist, however Diane Abbott is and Stephen Lawrence's killers you thought were innocent. And now you're throwing some random comment I made about Indian guys (I think I most probably said Asian actually). I suppose you consider that to be racist?

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But the simple white trash feels just as alienated as the blacks and asian communities did in the 80's, in their eyes it is same, and it is growing problem that needs adrssing instead of the Guardian assumption that isolation and racism only applies to those who are off white.

They still live in a country where the power resides overwhelmingly with whites, so no, it is not the same.

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No bugger here, black or white, has any idea what you're talking about!


Trying to divert the thread.


you havn't brought the health service or the BNP into it yet are you saving them for later.

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Trying to divert the thread.


you havn't brought the health service or the BNP into it yet are you saving them for later.


Apparently Bolt's girlfriend worked as a proctologist at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and Bolt's dad does security for Nick Griffin.


Incidentally, it was your disciple Frank Sidney who diverted the thread by introducing the woman on the train, others have responded to that.


The criticism and abuse of Bolt's girlfriend is wrong, however we don't know whether a) she's bothered about it b) whether Bolt is c) in the scheme of things it hardly warrants headlines in a British newspaper (especially as neither of the protagonists are British), far worse things have been said to posters here...you white, honky mo' fu***** :hihi:

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When whites have had the equivalent of the black experience then perhaps it will be the same. Those who claim that it is are talking tosh and have a very poor understanding of power structures and dynamics.


You blame 100% of whites for 1% of whites actions, if thats not racism what is?

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I read all the posts she has made on this subject


Well that isn't the impression I got, by the way don't you think it's ironic making your statement when the OP is attempting to do the same about 'Jamaican women'?


I've yet to see you leap to the defence of 'Jamaican women'.

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Well that isn't the impression I got, by the way don't you think it's ironic making your statement when the OP is attempting to do the same about 'Jamaican women'?


I've yet to see you leap to the defence of 'Jamaican women'.


Jamaican women are no more and no less racist than anyone else. All this power rubbish, to be able to be racist.Is yet another attempt at insisting only whites can be racist.

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I think the women who responded to the original article 'What should Usain Bolt buy his girlfriend for her birthday?' with the comments that were then pounced on by the DM were motivated more by jealousy and stupidity than racism. Their knowledge of how success changes opportunities is probably very limited. The article is a few weeks old, but for some reason the DM felt it newsworthy. :roll:


IMO these women are really saying, 'why can't the hugely rich and successful Usain Bolt choose me as his girlfriend?'. If I suggested that hugely rich and successful elderly men who have young and beautiful girlfriends should pick partners of pensionable age - would that make me ageist?

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