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Usain Bolt and his white girlfriend.

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So should anyone be offended by being called jungle bunny :huh:


Should is the wrong word; is the question was 'might anyone be offended by being called 'jungle bunny''? Then the answer might well be 'yes, some people might find it highly offensive'.


Who would want to call someone that anyway though?

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You blame 100% of whites for 1% of whites actions, if thats not racism what is?

Do learn to read properly. The stupidity on this forum never ceases to amaze me. I have repeatedly stated why white on black racism is not the same as the reverse as so many seem to insist, the former often driven by a sense of racial superiority. The comments made by the posters on the Jamaican forum are not uncommon about blacks who date not only outside their race but their country of origin. They are offensive racial and sexual slurs, furthermore, I expect that the posters would have made derogatory comments would if Bolt were dating a Trinadadian.

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They are offensive racial and sexual slurs, furthermore, I expect that the posters would have made derogatory comments would if Bolt were dating a Trinadadian.


Indeed Suffley, I've heard comments made by Jamaicans about 'small islanders' that would make Nick Griffin blush!

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What does that prove? You're the one obsessed with race and skin colour, not me. You also do not think that the woman on the tram was racist, however Diane Abbott is and Stephen Lawrence's killers you thought were innocent. And now you're throwing some random comment I made about Indian guys (I think I most probably said Asian actually). I suppose you consider that to be racist?


I was merely stating that you posted that it was in some way wrong to start a thread with the title, "which race of women do you think are the most attractive" and then openly state, frequently, that you find Asian men the most attractive. Do you see now?


I think the next part is quite revealing, in relation to DA and SL. Just because someone may disagree with something doesn't make it racist, that's a very simplistic argument. I don't suppose you can prove that my motives for my opinion are based on "racism"...Thought not.


I'm not obsessed with skin colour although I do find the threads about race interesting. They have the best posters on them. I don't understand how I can be "obsessed with the issue, when you always post on them as well? Does that make you "obsessed? Or is it only people who disagree with loony left approach to the issue who are obsessed? Incidentally, are you obsessed with feminism?


Trying to divert the thread.

you havn't brought the health service or the BNP into it yet are you saving them for later.


That's quite funny, because its so true...:hihi:


I think the women who responded to the original article 'What should Usain Bolt buy his girlfriend for her birthday?' with the comments that were then pounced on by the DM were motivated more by jealousy and stupidity than racism. Their knowledge of how success changes opportunities is probably very limited. The article is a few weeks old, but for some reason the DM felt it newsworthy. :roll:


IMO these women are really saying, 'why can't the hugely rich and successful Usain Bolt choose me as his girlfriend?'. If I suggested that hugely rich and successful elderly men who have young and beautiful girlfriends should pick partners of pensionable age - would that make me ageist?


No its racism. I don't know why you just can't admit it. If it had been exactly the same but exchange the races of the people involved then it would have been more popular to claim it was racist...


I think the $100 question is, would Usain Bolt being described on a community forum as a 'jungle bunny' make headlines in a national newspaper?


Yes it would and the perpetrators would no doubt have been arrested by now..:)


Its funny how those saying it was racist are being accused of racism. And those saying its not are usually the ones who attack racism. But not in relation to this case. I wonder why?.....:suspect:

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Indeed Suffley, I've heard comments made by Jamaicans about 'small islanders' that would make Nick Griffin blush!


Quite. In the same way that us Islanders make offensive comments about the French, Germans, Americans et al and vice versa.

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Do learn to read properly. The stupidity on this forum never ceases to amaze me. I have repeatedly stated why white on black racism is not the same as the reverse as so many seem to insist, the former often driven by a sense of racial superiority. The comments made by the posters on the Jamaican forum are not uncommon about blacks who date not only outside their race but their country of origin. They are offensive racial and sexual slurs, furthermore, I expect that the posters would have made derogatory comments would if Bolt were dating a Trinadadian.


That's the problem. You state things as fact, but they're not, they're an opinion..

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Yes it would and the perpetrators would no doubt have been arrested by now..:)

I wonder why the comments about Bolt and his girlfriend on the Stormfront website have gone unreported then, they must be true! :suspect:


Its funny how those saying it was racist are being accused of racism. And those saying its not are usually the ones who attack racism. But not in relation to this case. I wonder why?.....:suspect:

I think some equivalence will be afforded when every 'racist' comment made by a white on a blog or forum is reported with equal prominence as this case has been.
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I was merely stating that you posted that it was in some way wrong to start a thread with the title, "which race of women do you think are the most attractive" and then openly state, frequently, that you find Asian men the most attractive. Do you see now?


I think the next part is quite revealing, in relation to DA and SL. Just because someone may disagree with something doesn't make it racist, that's a very simplistic argument. I don't suppose you can prove that my motives for my opinion are based on "racism"...Thought not.


I'm not obsessed with skin colour although I do find the threads about race interesting. They have the best posters on them. I don't understand how I can be "obsessed with the issue, when you always post on them as well? Does that make you "obsessed? Or is it only people who disagree with loony left approach to the issue who are obsessed? Incidentally, are you obsessed with feminism?




That's quite funny, because its so true...:hihi:




No its racism. I don't know why you just can't admit it. If it had been exactly the same but exchange the races of the people involved then it would have been more popular to claim it was racist...




Yes it would and the perpetrators would no doubt have been arrested by now..:)


Its funny how those saying it was racist are being accused of racism. And those saying its not are usually the ones who attack racism. But not in relation to this case. I wonder why?.....:suspect:


I do not create threads asking people which race they find most attractive, nor do I constantly bring other threads into discussions, as is your wont, which is why I referred to your other views as this seems to be your MO. And why you're so hung up on feminism, feminists and whether I like Asian men seems a bit creepy to me, quite honestly.

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I do not create threads asking people which race they find most attractive, nor do I constantly bring other threads into discussions, as is your wont, which is why I referred to your other views as this seems to be your MO. And why you're so hung up on feminism, feminists and whether I like Asian men seems a bit creepy to me, quite honestly.


You may not create threads like that but you claim that anyone who does is doing it because they're racist. Not because its a bit of fun. I don't even know why you got involved in the issue because the thread was about men who find different races attractive. You're not a man.


The last part of your response just seems bitter.

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I see the non racists who seem to be in reality the most racist are throwing the word racist round willy nilly again...a very revealing thread this true colours are being paraded...Anyone reckon the flying machine will do 9.4 or 19 dead.

As Peter Crouch once said to a reporter who asked him what he would be if he wasnt a famous footballer..his answer..."A virgin"...says a lot doesnt it

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