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One billion quid - just on security.

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So security at the fiasco that is the Olympics is going to cost ONE BILLION POUNDS.


ONE BILLION! Come on, the amount wasted on this pointless event is sickening anyway, but 1 billion for security? Where exactly is all that going? Personally, I think that if someone wants to blow something up, they will do it.


If they have a bomb and get inside they blow it up. If they have a bomb and get caught, or it looks like they might, they blow it up where ever they are. Seems the end result will be roughly the same.


If you were planning to try and cause mayhem during the Olympics, would this excessive security put you off or make you more determined? Would the threat of a rocket launcher on someone's roof make you but your plans on hold?

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If they have a bomb and get inside they blow it up. If they have a bomb and get caught, or it looks like they might, they blow it up where ever they are. Seems the end result will be roughly the same.


Firstly, not everyone who would consider attacking such a high profile event are suicide bombers. Probably the majority would rather not kill themselves.


Secondly, if someone was to get a bomb inside a stadium, they could kill hundreds. If someone blows up a security gazebo, they might kill tens. I don't consider those results to be roughly the same.


As to the cost, well, sadly you need a lot of people and a lot of equipment. You could do it for a lot less, but then all the people who've paid over the odds for their tickets won't get to see the egg and spoon race, they'll just see the back of the massive queue to get into the venue.

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I haven't thought about it that much but a post containing the words bomb, terrorist, muslim, olympics and 2012 might wake up a bit of software somewhere.


If you wake up with a fuzzy head in a strange place wearing an orange jumpsuit at least you will know why!

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It's sixty-two million five hundred thousand a day.


Im sorry but that doesn't answer the question.


Is this money to be spent on security that is not already there or is some media organisation just adding up the cost of policing etc and coming up with a pointless figure.


Unless this £1 billion covers only new equipment and staff that is only employed for the duration of the games, its misleading, worthless and designed to make certain people over react.

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A big chunk of that figure will be money coming out of one Government pot (the Olympic security pot) and going into other Government pots (the Army and Police funding pots). As you say, actually finding out how much money is actually leaving the Government's coffers is the more pertinent and important question, but I'd guess there's not as many big OMG! stories for the press to get hold of there.

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