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One billion quid - just on security.

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Im sorry but that doesn't answer the question.


Is this money to be spent on security that is not already there or is some media organisation just adding up the cost of policing etc and coming up with a pointless figure.


Unless this £1 billion covers only new equipment and staff that is only employed for the duration of the games, its misleading, worthless and designed to make certain people over react.


I know, I am just being awkward. It does all seem a bit over the top though.

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Isn't it funny how many were calling for the Grand Prix in Bahrain to be cancelled because of security issues, yet are willing for the Olympics to go ahead when they're fearing all kinds of attacks - and to throw any amount of money at it.


If you're having to site carriers in the Thames and mount surface to air missiles on top of residential tower blocks something is very wrong.

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I'm not a big advocate of the games, especially in today's financial climate. However, they are going to happen so we should all stop moaning and get on with it. The worlds eyes are on us. In relation to security its our responsibility to do the best we can to protect the people who attend the games, for here or abroad.


No amount of security can guarantee safety. This is because the modern Islamic Terrorist isn't bothered about being caught or dying in the process of murdering others. But we have to try to make the games as safe as possible.


The cost is huge. I won't be going, and I won't watch much on TV except, maybe, for the Blue Ribbon finals. I accept that I will have to contribute though, through my taxes. Its what being part of a great nation like this is. I don't go to parks or the library but accept others do and there is a cost for which I'll gladly pay my share....

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A big chunk of that figure will be money coming out of one Government pot (the Olympic security pot) and going into other Government pots (the Army and Police funding pots).

BUT it starts in the taxpayers' pockets and that's where it ought to have stayed.

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