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France votes for Socialism over austerity

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Haha, I'll give you that one. Hardly a good comparison is it. I'll rephrase the question. Show me a country of any meaningful size with no external debt.


What if we just aim for a per capita debt the same the average per capita debt of the EU $27,864 instead of $143,009, even the same as the US $47,568 would be a huge improvement.


But Taiwan don’t have any debt.

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How is the debt we have because of a crisis created by bankers? The Labour government were spending far more than they had coming in even during the economic boom!


Exactly. Much criticism laid on people who binged on credit, but many governments were as guilty as anybody of over indulgence.

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The banking crisis was a result of too much lending, the credit crunch was a result of too little lending, so a happy medium needs to be achieved. Neither of which absolves the government from not spending vastly more than it earns. Two totally different issues.


Cut taxes for businesses making investment in creating jobs, I'd agree with that. Cut the top rate of tax to encourage job creaters to invest in Britain, that's been done, and obviously the insane policies of Hollande way well help us greatly in attracting medium sized French businesses to move skilled opperations to Britain. Flexible labour laws that allow companies to react to market changes and not have employees in "jobs for life" like in France. That's the sort of thing that drives growth. Not ******* away £150 billion more than we actually have every year on public sector non-jobs that we cannot afford in the hope the recipients of this largesse from the taxpayer and our creditors will at some point buy a new sofa and thus save the economy.


We have never wasted £150bn a year on excessive public sector spending.

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I would imigin this help too.


in 2009 the country’s exports totaled $2.83 billion, while its imports were just $1.77 billion, mostly in raw materials and food.


Low business taxes 20%, high output, high exports and low imports seem to work.


There are more companies registered in Lichtenstein than there are people. Do you think that might have some bearing on those statistics.

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Why not, aren’t we capable of manufacturing more than we use and then exporting it?


Because of restructuring of the economy away from manufacturing and exporting, a process greatly accelerated in the 80s. You can't be a Tory supporter and decry the loss of industry when Tory policies have been instrumental in its loss.

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That was the annual deficit when Brown was finally dragged out of No 10. So yes, we did.


What was the annual deficit before the banking crisis. Don't bother answering. I know you know.

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The banking crisis was a result of too much lending, the credit crunch was a result of too little lending, so a happy medium needs to be achieved. Neither of which absolves the government from not spending vastly more than it earns. Two totally different issues.


Cut taxes for businesses making investment in creating jobs, I'd agree with that. Cut the top rate of tax to encourage job creaters to invest in Britain, that's been done, and obviously the insane policies of Hollande way well help us greatly in attracting medium sized French businesses to move skilled opperations to Britain. Flexible labour laws that allow companies to react to market changes and not have employees in "jobs for life" like in France. That's the sort of thing that drives growth. Not ******* away £150 billion more than we actually have every year on public sector non-jobs that we cannot afford in the hope the recipients of this largesse from the taxpayer and our creditors will at some point buy a new sofa and thus save the economy.


So what do we want to invest then chaps ? I think renewable energy myself. For example When I look out my bedroom window I see alot of solar panels. Why can't we all have solar panels ? Compulsory on all new builds ?


Problem is, you just know it will be a load of poles on top of people's roofs in the middle of winter. So not only do we need to create jobs but jobs our population is skilled in and prepared to get of the settee for.


So what do we invest in ?

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