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Devious gulls/unlucky me!

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Strange Saturday morning.


I was at my girlfriends flat on Saturday morning.It was nice and sunny,and i opened the window to have a look at Glasgow City skyline.

A Gull flew past and squirted a fair amount of it's bobbar straight through the open window,and all over me.


I cleaned it off and the missus came in the room with a coffee and sat beside me.

At this point,i hadn't told her what had happened.All of a sudden her cheeks swelled to bursting,and she did some of that projectile vomitting.:gag:


So am left thinking..:huh: Am i the only person who has been dumped on by a bird whilst in the house? Am i just unlucky?

Maybe that Lynx 'Excite' i was wearing just didn't cut it with the Gull and the missus.

Oh thinking on,the missus did say Lynx makes her come out in a rash when in contact with me.


I don't think this is a topic,but i thought i'd just like to get it off my chest.:D



lol you was very unlucky seeing as Glasgow is miles from the sea.:hihi:

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