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Proposed new law - drug driving.

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That's not what was said.


It's *exactly* what was said.


I'll openly promote drug usage. Had some great times on drugs.

Your life must have been empty.


It means anyone who has to rely on substances to get kicks out of life is in a sad life.


Agree entirely, however, moving the goalposts after the fact doesn't make Patriots post any less ridiculous.


There's a common theme here, don't get your own way, start throwing insults and accusations about.


Anyone could be forgiven for thinking you're Bassman ;)

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Any proposed new laws are at the moment just hype as too much research need to be done to establish exactly what drugs and quantities will be tested.


Out of the many that drive very few people drink and drive. Although the amount of people who take drugs and then drive is unknown its estimated to be far less than those that drink and drive. In 2010 drunk driving caused around 250 fatalities out of the millions that drive, which is a low figure.


Two things to ask;


Is it necessary to bring in laws given the data so far?


Is the proposal workable and cost effective?


I also advocate that people should be allowed to chose whether to take drugs or not providing they cause no harm to others. Taking alcohol before driving is known to affect peoples ability to drive safely but with taking certain drugs no data or research has been compiled.


This proposal seem about as well though out as the Dangerous Dogs Act and designed to appease those that are against drug use without providing any data to prove the case.

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As the high minority of these are impaired in so many ways, a toke or two will not make any significant change to their limited driving skills Janie so I wouldn't worry too much.


I can't help it.This forum is full of druggies they're all over Sheffield according to chemist. If posts are anything to go on,some of them are looking for part time work.I'm always a bit suspicious now in a Taxi,I've experienced bad driving skills,my nerves were shattered when i got home,i had to have a stiff drink to calm me down.

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It's *exactly* what was said.






Agree entirely, however, moving the goalposts after the fact doesn't make Patriots post any less ridiculous.


There's a common theme here, don't get your own way, start throwing insults and accusations about.


Anyone could be forgiven for thinking you're Bassman ;)

So you're arguing just for the sake of it, as someone else posted a certain element are just trying to derail the topic as always.

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Any proposed new laws are at the moment just hype as too much research need to be done to establish exactly what drugs and quantities will be tested.


Out of the many that drive very few people drink and drive. Although the amount of people who take drugs and then drive is unknown its estimated to be far less than those that drink and drive. In 2010 drunk driving caused around 250 fatalities out of the millions that drive, which is a low figure.


Two things to ask;


Is it necessary to bring in laws given the data so far?


Is the proposal workable and cost effective?


I also advocate that people should be allowed to chose whether to take drugs or not providing they cause no harm to others. Taking alcohol before driving is known to affect peoples ability to drive safely but with taking certain drugs no data or research has been compiled.


This proposal seem about as well though out as the Dangerous Dogs Act and designed to appease those that are against drug use without providing any data to prove the case.


Ever seen a newborn baby already addicted? And you claim no research is done.:suspect:

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I can't help it.This forum is full of druggies they're all over Sheffield according to chemist. If posts are anything to go on,some of them are looking for part time work.I'm always a bit suspicious now in a Taxi,I've experienced bad driving skills,my nerves were shattered when i got home,i had to have a stiff drink to calm me down.
Wow ammo for the pro junkies, they'll latch onto that, you'll now be labled a junkie
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So you're arguing just for the sake of it


I'm simply replying to your post. If I recall, my original post wasn't directed at you (or was it ;) ), you butted in and argued the toss over the meaning of a post that was completely unambiguous. You're the one who is arguing for the sake of it.


as someone else posted a certain element are just trying to derail the topic


Yet here you are doing exactly what you're (incorrectly) accusing me of, rather than actually responding to my post and the question I posed (which was entirely on-topic)! I wonder why?


as always.


You haven't been a member long enough (as this poster) to know anything "as always", though it's pretty obvious who you are.

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Interesting article by Bill Cosby:-


I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease and I must help

support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ

rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses

or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?


What a brilliant outspoken statement.

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