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Smoking again after 2 years

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What a idiot I've been, 2 years of not smoking got my weight down and health up doing running and moutain biking and I've started again and finding it very hard to stop. I guess it's true what they say, once a smoker always a smoker.

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What a idiot I've been, 2 years of not smoking got my weight down and health up doing running and moutain biking and I've started again and finding it very hard to stop. I guess it's true what they say, once a smoker always a smoker.


Oh dear! I fell for the same trap. I gave up for 4 years then started again, for just over a year. I currently have not smoked for nearly two years now. I am really glad I gave up, my uncle was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer last year and my great grandfather also died of lung cancer, both smokers. The older you get the more it hits you that life is pretty short!


I know lots of ex smokers that have the very occasional smoke and it seems to work for them and I doubt one cig a month will do much harm. I am an all or nothing kinda girl though so I just stay well clear.


I hope you get your motivation back to give up again. Just do it, you know you will feel better for it!

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No. The temptation will always be there with you, for some more than others, ok you had a blip in the master plan, no idea if this was because you were around people smoking and just habit took over, but by no means does this mean you are a prisoner to tobacco, just focus back on the positives you have achieved and start there. Do not fall into the "oh its easier to just smoke answer". If this post is true and not a wind up, then stop, You did it before, you don't say anything about any major life change, so ignore the hiccup and carry on enjoying your life.

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Thanks for ur advice, what got me smoking again was worry after a operation that made me totally deaf for 4 weeks. Your rite I need to just go and buy some patches and start again :-)

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What a idiot I've been, 2 years of not smoking got my weight down and health up doing running and moutain biking and I've started again and finding it very hard to stop. I guess it's true what they say, once a smoker always a smoker.


Don't lose heart, my dad gave up loads of times for a year here and there over the years, but he'd always get sucked back in, starting with the odd cigar, then the occasional roll up and before he knew it he was back on the fags. I didn't think he'd ever manage to give up properly, but it's been about 6 years now and the thought of smoking again makes him feel sick. You'll get there in the end if that's what you really want, so don't beat yourself up about it coz you did brilliantly and you can again!!

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What a idiot I've been, 2 years of not smoking got my weight down and health up doing running and moutain biking and I've started again and finding it very hard to stop. I guess it's true what they say, once a smoker always a smoker.

Not so, i gave up five years ago after smoking for over forty years try again with some help from the doctor, best of luck.

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As said above, don't beat yourself up, and don't give up. I always - ALWAYS - thought the same thing about myself: once a smoker, always a smoker - until I stopped for good five years ago.


Remember: the dreaded weed does NOT define you - what you do in your life does.


Try again - and again and again if you have to, til you kick its stinky, expensive, pointless a*se.


Good luck...seriously, if I can do it, anyone can :)



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Its mind over matter bro. I was a smoker for 15 years but quick 8 months past. I will never gi back. Think how bad you felt and how expensive it is. Keep going! Don't give up giving up!

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Well, that was a silly thing to do, wasn't it? ;)


Still, if you've given up before for a significant time you can do it again. The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour, and your past behaviour shows you that you can give up and stay the course through the tough few weeks at the beginning.


I still have moments when it would feel natural to light up, and that's after more than 20 years. The important thing is that I recognise that even though my partner is a smoker so there are cigarettes available to me, I REALLY don't want to go down that route again so it never gets past the abstract thought (thankfully!).


Next time round (and there will be a next time) just remember that a single cigarette is a slippery slope and no, you can't have one and then not want another.

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