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Old Sheffield pubs from the past gone for ever

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I know we've lost lots of great pubs over the years, but what always does my head in is why they give them stupid bloody names "Slug & lettuce, and Ferret & Trouser Leg" to name but 2.


The original Saddle on West Street was great, as was Red Lion just round from City Hall.

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I know we've lost lots of great pubs over the years, but what always does my head in is why they give them stupid bloody names "Slug & lettuce, and Ferret & Trouser Leg" to name but 2.


The original Saddle on West Street was great, as was Red Lion just round from City Hall.


That great old pub on West St, the Mailcoach is now called The Wick At Both Ends whats that all about. :huh:

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The Moseleys Arms at West Bar was brilliant in the 70's. A real spit and sawdust pub with a fantastic Jukebox. It had a small room on the corner with one door from the street and access to the rest of the pub was on the main road. On entering there was a passageway with a room to the right that rockers used and a room in the back where the older customers used and the outside toilets through the back. Ely the landlord was a smashing old bloke but his Barmaid Cynthia liked to try and lay down the law!!

Spent many hours in here and upstairs in the Claymore drinking draugft Newcie Brown.

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