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What does it mean.. wiedling sticks as well as dangling carrots?

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This has its history in the world of working animals. There was a theory that if you dangled a carrot in front of a working donkey they would pull their load better to get to the carrot, so the carrots used to be dangled from a stick tied to the top of the harness so the carrot was perpetually a few inches in front of the donkey and no matter how hard they pulled they couldn't reach it.


If the donkey stopped pulling despite the carrot you then had to knock them into action with a stick or whip.


So it has entered into the language that if you want to provide a positive reason for someone to do something it has become called a carrot and if you have to make someone do something despite them not wanting to do it then that is the stick.


This is the same concept that the Americans call a 'bait and switch', bait being the carrot, switch being a cane or whithy cut from a birch or willow tree and used like a whip.

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