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Increasing borrowing to reduce borrowing.

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You really have to stop being an apologist for the country's pitifully incompetent and outrageously expensive public services. HMRC make the rules so complicated even they don't know them and can't administer them. How dysfunctional an organisation do you have to be to create a system that even your own managers can't understand? Even HMRC admit they aren't fit for purpose.


Public services are not run for profit. They are run for the benefit of the people who work in them. By being inefficient, workshy and incompetent they are as good as robbing the tax payer. Better that money goes into the pockets of pension funds via profits than it goes into the pockets of self serving bureauprats.



The NHS,a monopsonist,is amonoply purchaser and buys medical services and drugs at low cost for national benefit.Private sector health providers,in the UK conduct little research,poach NHS staff and avoid complex surgery and similar challenges.They're efficient in the sense that they perform a few operations with a minority of patients-its called "cherry picking".

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