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Increasing borrowing to reduce borrowing.

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Humans are also the only organism to have created art, mathematics, cooked food, disease control etc etc. I don't see your point.


Money and debt is not the result of creativity like art food and medicine.

Food, disease control and art bring creative development. Money was originally there as a tool for exchange. It has gone much further now and has gone out of control into other areas. To make certain people are under control they are made very dependant of money, the choice to be free has been removed.

Physically it controls a persons freedom for standards of outer lifestyle.

Mentaly it controls and manipulates. Money is often used to manipulate peoples emotions and opinions. Bying support, making people happy, angry or very sad.


People have commited suicide over money.

Murder has been commited for money.

Lies and deception to gain more money.

Selfishness, greed to get and keep more money.

Nightmares, fear, anguish, over not having enough money to survive.

Wars have been over money.

Happines when having, getting money but that happiness is very superficial.


You can be very happy without money and then when money comes you remain happy but the bankbalance is irrelevant to that quality of happines.


That debt makes me laugh out loud. Seeing people ruin their lives and emotions over it is sad. They just don't know there is more in live than money.


The right to freedom is the right to know that money is used and abused to manipulate you everywhere everyday and at least you stop believing in it and use it as a means to live your life.

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Money and debt is not the result of creativity like art food and medicine.

Food, disease control and art bring creative development. Money was originally there as a tool for exchange. It has gone much further now and has gone out of control into other areas. To make certain people are under control they are made very dependant of money, the choice to be free has been removed.

Physically it controls a persons freedom for standards of outer lifestyle.

Mentaly it controls and manipulates. Money is often used to manipulate peoples emotions and opinions. Bying support, making people happy, angry or very sad.


People have commited suicide over money.

Murder has been commited for money.

Lies and deception to gain more money.

Selfishness, greed to get and keep more money.

Nightmares, fear, anguish, over not having enough money to survive.

Wars have been over money.

Happines when having, getting money but that happiness is very superficial.


You can be very happy without money and then when money comes you remain happy but the bankbalance is irrelevant to that quality of happines.


That debt makes me laugh out loud. Seeing people ruin their lives and emotions over it is sad. They just don't know there is more in live than money.


The right to freedom is the right to know that money is used and abused to manipulate you everywhere everyday and at least you stop believing in it and use it as a means to live your life.


Well I'm glad that's sorted out. The people we've borrowed all the cash from are rather keen we pay them back in actual money so we'll have to stick to that but that won't be an issue as we can now pay all public sector workers in the heartfelt joy of being alive. Teachers can have 20% more crisp bright mornings, firemen an extra glimpse of a baby bunny hopping through a cornfield and the tube drivers can be paid entirely in the simple beauty of the stars on a cloudless night. Sorted.

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The government's debt is currently around £1 trillion. That's around £15,000 for every person in the country. The cost of financing that debt is in the region of £35 billion or about £550 per person per year.


With investment interst rates being so low many folk have nothing to invest their spare cash in that would give a worthwhile return but still have to pay their share of the interest repayment.


Why not stick all the country's debt onto peoples credit cards. The ones who think debt is a great idea can pay their card off as they see fit. Those who prefer could pay it off in a lump sum. The country's debt is wiped out at a stroke and we could all get a good reduction in our taxes for good measure.


Can anyone see a snag?

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The government's debt is currently around £1 trillion. That's around £15,000 for every person in the country. The cost of financing that debt is in the region of £35 billion or about £550 per person per year.


With investment interst rates being so low many folk have nothing to invest their spare cash in that would give a worthwhile return but still have to pay their share of the interest repayment.


Why not stick all the country's debt onto peoples credit cards. The ones who think debt is a great idea can pay their card off as they see fit. Those who prefer could pay it off in a lump sum. The country's debt is wiped out at a stroke and we could all get a good reduction in our taxes for good measure.


Can anyone see a snag?




£15,384 each assuming 6.5 million people pay an equal share.

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Well I'm glad that's sorted out. The people we've borrowed all the cash from are rather keen we pay them back in actual money so we'll have to stick to that but that won't be an issue as we can now pay all public sector workers in the heartfelt joy of being alive. Teachers can have 20% more crisp bright mornings, firemen an extra glimpse of a baby bunny hopping through a cornfield and the tube drivers can be paid entirely in the simple beauty of the stars on a cloudless night. Sorted.


Don't forget inflation. Everything is getting more expensive.


If you want to have a good laugh watch the old dirty harry movie and the mayor is told he has to pay 100.000 dollars to stop the killings. The mayor almost starts crying and emotionally says "a hundred thousand dollars, where am I going to get that from?"

It is pocketchange now.


Value of money decreases because of games played and corrupt manupilation.


In real life nothing devaluates in value. Everything keeps its beauty or ugliness.

Only your opinion can change the value of bauty or ugliness. But it is your opinion that has manipulated the value, you use your mind to label things with values.


People in greece cannot buy a peace of meat, it is a luxury. There is no money.

A rich person can buy a rolls royce, he has money.


Freedom and richness of life are not achieved this way. Comfortzone may be manipulated but on both sides of the comfort zone you can find meaning in life.

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Money and debt is not the result of creativity like art food and medicine.

Food, disease control and art bring creative development. Money was originally there as a tool for exchange. It has gone much further now and has gone out of control into other areas. To make certain people are under control they are made very dependant of money, the choice to be free has been removed.

Physically it controls a persons freedom for standards of outer lifestyle.

Mentaly it controls and manipulates. Money is often used to manipulate peoples emotions and opinions. Bying support, making people happy, angry or very sad.


People have commited suicide over money.

Murder has been commited for money.

Lies and deception to gain more money.

Selfishness, greed to get and keep more money.

Nightmares, fear, anguish, over not having enough money to survive.

Wars have been over money.

Happines when having, getting money but that happiness is very superficial.


You can be very happy without money and then when money comes you remain happy but the bankbalance is irrelevant to that quality of happines.


That debt makes me laugh out loud. Seeing people ruin their lives and emotions over it is sad. They just don't know there is more in live than money.


The right to freedom is the right to know that money is used and abused to manipulate you everywhere everyday and at least you stop believing in it and use it as a means to live your life.


I'm sorry but you have just moved the goal posts. You earlier claimed that debt is a man-made creation not likened in nature and so is bad. I pointed out other aspects of humans that are also not likened in nature.


However, debt is just part of economics and this is only a form of bartering, which IS found in nature in primates and birds. Therefore your rather simplistic look at debt has fallen at the first hurdle.

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I'm sorry but you have just moved the goal posts. You earlier claimed that debt is a man-made creation not likened in nature and so is bad. I pointed out other aspects of humans that are also not likened in nature.


However, debt is just part of economics and this is only a form of bartering, which IS found in nature in primates and birds. Therefore your rather simplistic look at debt has fallen at the first hurdle.


Absolutely, debt is a big part of the history of human civilisation. Credit systems have been around for thousands of years.

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Some people, both on here and in europe, seem to think that if we continue to increase borrowing so fund public sector spending over and above what the tax take allows then this will reduce the deficit.


However under labour they did this every single year. And every year the deficit increased, the national debt increased hugely and the percentage of GDP spent puring on servicing the interest on debt increased to the point where it's the 5th largest "department" of government by budget.


So given that it did not work, over 10 years, to reduce the deficit why will it magically do the opposite of what it always has done this time?


Our debt grew rapidly because we bailed out the banks, because we sustained a massive and sharp loss of economic output (lowered tax receipts, increased welfare) and because we were at a point in the business cycle where deficits were increasing anyway.


How do we get out of it? A package of different measures:

1. The business cycle will do some of the heavy lifting.

2. We streamline public sector services. Some cuts will be necessarily brutal but they must be well targeted and rational, not the hacking and slashing of the last two years.

3. Increased tax receipts through growth

4. Decreased welfare costs through growth (i.e. increased employment) and rationalisation of welfare systems. Universal credit should help with this too

5. Identification of key economic sectors and government support for them, e.g. tax breaks within EU rules

6. A proper R&D effort, targeted at the sectors identified in 5

7. Preferential government treatment for domestic suppliers in tender processes, again bending EU rules to the max

8. Housebuilding programme, tax breaks for house builders

9. Infrastructure programme. Pension funds seem happy to be involved in this and the government is planning to borrow from them. We can also take advantage of super-low interest rates and borrow from the markets - some credit rating agencies were receptive to borrowing for this purpose (e.g. Fitch)

10. Avoid short-run stimulus measures. Any additional borrowing has to be for quality long-term infrastructure that will provide sustained economic benefit

11. No more PFI. Bad idea, badly abused.


Anyone want to add to the list?

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Absolutely, debt is a big part of the history of human civilisation. Credit systems have been around for thousands of years.


But are dependant on the ability of the person in credit to be able to afford to pay his liabilities.

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So what happens to the debt while the farmer is having his payment holiday? I'll tell you, it gets added to the debt he already has meaning his repayments are increased, leaving the farmer with a short term gain but an even bigger problem in the long term. So the following year he has to do the same, and the year after and so on until the bank decides he is no longer a viable concern and takes his farm from him.


It is both ignorant and futile to ask a question and then answer it yourself.


Certainly the outstanding debt will accrue interest but the increased debt will be repaid amply in the autumn.I hope you are not studying finance as the main part of your degree.

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