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Sheffield Star non-stories megathread


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Here's a prime example.




No formatting to make it easier for the reader, just cut and pasted as it is.


Lazy and sloppy.


Terrible. I know that most local newspapers all subscribe to and use the same or similar templates, and as such it's difficult to implement custom formatting, but the web might be the most sensible way to keep the paper alive, and this sort of shoddy aesthetic means that readers are instantly repelled.


Some wards capitalised, some not, and no bold signifying the start of a different. Just lazy.

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WEST ECCLESFIELD - Lib Dem gain from Labour


Kathy Aston (Green) 172


Simon Ellison (UKIP) 530


Alan Hooper (Lib Dem) 1,724


Adam Hurst (Lab) 1,977


David Ogle (Ind) 266


Gabrielle Pitfield (Con) 215


How's that a gain from those results lol

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WEST ECCLESFIELD - Lib Dem gain from Labour


Kathy Aston (Green) 172


Simon Ellison (UKIP) 530


Alan Hooper (Lib Dem) 1,724


Adam Hurst (Lab) 1,977


David Ogle (Ind) 266


Gabrielle Pitfield (Con) 215


How's that a gain from those results lol



Thats what I thought. Glad someone else has picked up on it

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I'm just wondering what your views on The Sheffield Star are? I've emailed their editor today and asked him why they recently seem to be the last to report on local news & that you can get your local news quicker from the BBC, social networks and forums.


This was his reply.


'I think that’s unfair.


There will be times when the BBC will publish some things before us, it depends on when news breaks and what time of day. But if you go through the hundreds of stories that we publish that do not appear anywhere else every week, then I think you will agree we are pretty good at bringing people the news first.


As for social networking sites and forums, we too publish on social networking sites, our own. We don’t have exclusivity on all news stories or breaking stories and the way the world is now there are far more opportunities for people to publicise events and news breaks than ever there has been.


However, what you don’t get is professional journalists finding out and publishing stories that don’t appear anywhere else except for in The Star – which happens on a daily basis.

I am sure you can provide me with examples of where we publish some stories after the BBC, but I am sure I would be able to provide you with many, many more stories that either you only get in The Star or we publish first.


I hope that puts into context your concerns about us.


I am happy to discuss this with you further.


Kind regards


Jeremy Clifford


The Star'


What are your views on them




Does he not think that other media outlets don't publish these stories because they're simply not worth printing?




I have lived in the area all my life, barring 8 months working away, I have NEVER seen a story worthy of media attention brought to the public first by this media group.



As like most posters in this thread, the main gripes have to be with the seemingly poor english skills of these "professional" journalists & blantantly taking news from other sources like this very forum & making no apparent attempt to re-work it so that it looks like they've done some work.

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The Star is nothing more than a glorified version of the old morning Telegraph,

featuring the news of the day before, its a disgrace to say its the citys only local newspaper, its been going downhill for years, with less and less readers too.

I remember you could buy a star on a saturday afternoon, with the halftime football scores in, and the racing results too.its about time they brought it back to an evening newspaper featuring items of the news that happened on the same day of publishing, Then they might see an increase in their sales.

its printed about 4.00 in the morning and in the shops for 7.am.

Absolute Rubbish. :rant::rant:

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Thats what I thought. Glad someone else has picked up on it


Yeah you would think, if there was ever a day to buy the star, then today would be the day to check on results lol

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I'm also waiting for another reply where I have pulled the topic up on 'racial attacks'.

Where someone from a different nationality is attacked by a white person, it is made into a racial attack. When the shoe is on the other foot and its people of different nationality attacking white people, its just classed as a normal attack.


Seems like they also employ bias reporters.

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