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Sheffield Star non-stories megathread


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You're right.


You see, the Star used to be an evening paper. (Stars come out at night see..that's the logic). It used to be worth buying, especially if you could get your hands on the "city late" edition which had those words stamped on it in red ink. It had a STOP PRESS column down the side with the very latest breaking news that day.


What it couldn't capture was covered in the following days "Morning Telegraph". A daily newspaper.


Nowadays there is no Morning Telegraph and the Star has become a morning newspaper instead. So, effectively, it isn't a "news" paper at all - because all the stuff in it is from the day before.


With the advent of the internet we can go online and find up to the minute news - so there's no need for it really.


Unless you want to read about art festivals in (nearby?) Scarborough.




The Star has always been little more than the council's inhouse newsletter. If you take out all the stories put there by the PR departments of the public services there's nothing but adverts.


The Star does very little proper journalism and never, ever criticises the local political elite or establishment. It's nothing more than an organ for spreading the propaganda of Labour councillors. And it's very white blue collar in its content.


On top of that the online edition is litterd with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.


There was a story the other day about 85% of burglary crime never being solved but they didn't allow comment on the story because people might criticise the local plod for being rubbish. That's about their level.

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The Star does very little proper journalism and never, ever criticises the local political elite or establishment. It's nothing more than an organ for spreading the propaganda of Labour councillors. And it's very white blue collar in its content.


On top of that the online edition is litterd with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.






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I'd love to meet the staff. I can't imagine what sort of operation they run


We currently provide our services through 18 daily newspapers, 245 weekly newspapers and a huge range of related specialist, locally focussed, print publications. We operate 273 local websites to extend the content and reach of our print products. Together these reach a combined audience of about 17.4 million readers each month, often providing unique local content


unique local content must read a lot of forums

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I do know that when the Star became a morning paper their sales dramatically increased, I dont know why as you have a better choice with the ordinary dailys. The storys in the Star are dire over ninety percent are just not worth reading, the only good thing in the Star now is the RETRO supplement.

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