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Sheffield Star non-stories megathread


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The Star has always been little more than the council's inhouse newsletter. If you take out all the stories put there by the PR departments of the public services there's nothing but adverts.


The Star does very little proper journalism and never, ever criticises the local political elite or establishment. It's nothing more than an organ for spreading the propaganda of Labour councillors. And it's very white blue collar in its content.


On top of that the online edition is litterd with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.


There was a story the other day about 85% of burglary crime never being solved but they didn't allow comment on the story because people might criticise the local plod for being rubbish. That's about their level.


I thought this article was a job promo or recruitment drive.


Join the burglary fraternity as its on the up with a taxation rate of 15 percent with 85 percent tax free.


Thats actually less than the rate of vat so if you feel burglary is a good carreer choice then consider the perks.

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Nowadays there is no Morning Telegraph and the Star has become a morning newspaper instead. So, effectively, it isn't a "news" paper at all - because all the stuff in it is from the day before.


Isn't that the case for all the daily papers including the nationals?

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