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Sheffield Star non-stories megathread


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I just want to point out that Autism is not a "mental" illness it is a Neurological disorder and he will have been more than capable of applying for housing(with help) but with Autism people look at the world a different way and for this guy buying lego was more important (to him) than paying his rent.


It is a sad state of affairs when people can make fun of this unseen disability, my mate has a child with Autisim and it is not something to be laughed or sneered at!

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The Star was a pile of so much toilet paper years ago but it sounds like it's really gone to the dogs now.

I remember their big anti prostitution push and front page headlines all about pros putting calling cards in telephone boxes.

Oh, the outrage expressed by the star was uplifting until you got to the classified and read all the ads for tarts they took money to print.


Pimp Star.

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Neither. No one is pathetic for being mentally ill or for being in debt. He is pathetic for using his mental illness as an excuse for getting into debt. There was no need to invoke his collector geek hobby as a reason for spending more money than he could afford.


He got into debt and now he is paying it back. As the original post said, a non-event.


What amazing insight your post displays.

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I just want to point out that Autism is not a "mental" illness it is a Neurological disorder and he will have been more than capable of applying for housing(with help) but with Autism people look at the world a different way and for this guy buying lego was more important (to him) than paying his rent.


It is a sad state of affairs when people can make fun of this unseen disability, my mate has a child with Autisim and it is not something to be laughed or sneered at!


A very good point: autism is still very badly understood by the general public, as we see by some of the posts on this thread.


It's also right for us to question the wisdom of Sheffield Homes spending more money and resources to evict the man from his home than he apparently owes.


Although the story says the judge made a suspended possession order, the legal implication of this is that the judge has considered all the evidence, including the history of the arrears and payment record and the social consequences on Mr Royston and the wider public and has decided that it is reasonable for him to lose his home. as a result, he can now be evicted without further approval by a judge. The story does not say whether Mr Royston was able to arrange adequate representation so that the judge could be informed of all the true facts of the situation.

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If building Lego models helps with anxiety, then fair enough. But wouldn't it be wiser to have maybe one large bucket of Lego, and rebuild with it when you feel a little anxious, rather than splashing out on these expensive collectors edition sets?


yes, that would make sense, but then fortunately, to don't have autism interfering with your decision making. lucky you.


i am really saddened by the attitude of many in here, amazed that they cant take off their hate blinkers even for a autistic man.

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