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Sheffield Star non-stories megathread


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I've only ever met one person with autism - I'm not very clued up on the disability. I know he was perfectly fine all round really, he just likes drawing and painting


You've certainly met a lot more people with autism than just the one. Autism covers a very wide range of disorders. The severely autistic can require constant 24 hour care and be completely unaware of reality, never developing intellectually from when they were born. Others can lead completely normal lives and be extrememly gifted in some respects as a result of being autistic. The spectrum varies massively in the affect it has on individuals and some people don't even know they are autistic as it isn't diagnosed in them.


I don't think the Star should have printed this story. It's worse than the usual moan-to-the-press-at-officaldom-because-I-have-a-problem story. If autism is the root cause of his debt then they should have got him some support. Instead it's like they're treating him as a freak show. They should have known that this matter was more sensitive than usual but then the Star is a tabloid rag.

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You've certainly met a lot more people with autism than just the one. Autism covers a very wide range of disorders. The severely autistic can require constant 24 hour care and be completely unaware of reality, never developing intellectually from when they were born. Others can lead completely normal lives and be extrememly gifted in some respects as a result of being autistic. The spectrum varies massively in the affect it has on individuals and some people don't even know they are autistic as it isn't diagnosed in them.


I don't think the Star should have printed this story. It's worse than the usual moan-to-the-press-at-officaldom-because-I-have-a-problem story. If autism is the root cause of his debt then they should have got him some support. Instead it's like they're treating him as a freak show. They should have known that this matter was more sensitive than usual but then the Star is a tabloid rag.


Sorry, I've been introduced to one person whom I know 100% was autistic. He is a great artist.

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What an idiot.

I wouldn't call him that!

As a kid I came 'second' in the 'British Lego building competition' (about 1965) held in Redgates if anyone remembers it!

I won such a large box of Lego, I reckoned (in my naivety) that I could build a full sized house! Bear in mind, James May actually did build one! :D

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What a pathetic man to use his mental illness as an excuse for getting himself in debt!


As opposed to the proportion of society that are fortunate enough not to have a mental illness and still descend into debt? Is he pathetic for being mentally ill or pathetic for being in debt? Which is it?


yes, that would make sense, but then fortunately, to don't have autism interfering with your decision making. lucky you.


i am really saddened by the attitude of many in here, amazed that they cant take off their hate blinkers even for a autistic man.


What Minki and moke said. In spades.


surely the question is more about sheffield homes mis management of this guys tenancy. They didn't identify him as needing some help to maintain it?


Also, why are they threatening him with eviction when others can and do rack up more debt and are allowed to keep living in their homes?


1) yes but as others have said, the problem is that the supposed support systems often allow folk to fall through the cracks (If the support can be set up in the first place


2) there should be more done about the amount of rent-debt and help for people who are struggling to make arrangements toward paying off what they owe.


If building Lego models helps with anxiety, then fair enough. But wouldn't it be wiser to have maybe one large bucket of Lego, and rebuild with it when you feel a little anxious, rather than splashing out on these expensive collectors edition sets?


The difficulty with many forms of autism is, that folk focus on the "now" rather than the future. So the need to buy the Lego, for example, overrides them thinking "Ooh I have rent to pay" and the idea of rebuilding as you suggest, again, would not occur to them.

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