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Wil David Cameron still be prime minister by the end of the year?

Will David Cameron still be PM at the end of this year?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Will David Cameron still be PM at the end of this year?

    • Yes
    • No

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Gordon Brown, Ed Miliband, Ed Balls, Harriet Harman – arrogant, pompous, out of touch and unpopular with the public. And in Miliband’s case the PLP and the party members.

Only 32% turned out to vote in England because of apathy and I can see a Tory landslide if the leadership of Labour remains with Ed Miliband at the helm.




I could'nt have put it better myself.



The only way the tories are gonna win a landslide at the next election is if they unearth the twin brother of Boris and replace Cameron with him.

UKIP will keep chipping away at the tory vote and like you say Miliband looks pretty unelectable.

Oh god another hung parliament!!!

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there isn't anyone who could replace Cameron, the right wingers may fanatasize about one of their mad brood taking over but they would still be in the coalition and they would be bound by the coalition agreement.


for all their spouting, they don't seem to have grasped that they don't have a majority and there would be calls for an election for the same reasons people wanted brown to call one when he took over and without a majority the lib dems and labour could force one.


anyone with any sense must see that a right-wing conservative government would close down the nhs, abandon the welfare state, remove any and all workers rights and pretty much take the ordinary person back to the same state they were in in the 15th century while making the rich 1% even richer. for all their faults, the one thing the lib dems have done is stop this happening and we should give them some credit for that.

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The one whose every move is being controlled by Bob Crow and his Union barons!


Bob Crow and the RMT were dissaffiliated from The Labour Party in 2004 and as a result no longer donate to them:huh:

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Bob Crow and the RMT were dissaffiliated from The Labour Party in 2004 and as a result no longer donate to them:huh:


Dear Colleague


May 2012 Local Elections. Use of Branch and Regional Council Political Funds


I am writing to advise Branches of arrangements for the above in respect of the use of Branch and Regional Council Political Funds.


As you will be aware under Rule Branches and Regional Councils are entitled to use their Political Funds to make donations to Labour Party Candidates, if they so wish.


Under Rule Branches and Regional Councils can also request the Council of Executives authorise support for other organisations.


In this respect the Council of Executives at their meeting on 21 March 2012, and following a consultation with effected branches and regions, endorsed a request from the London Transport Regional Council to support Trade Union and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) candidates at the Greater London Authority elections. The Council of Executives also ruled that this was legitimate expenditure for all Branch and Regional Council Political Funds.


In light of this decision and at the same meeting the Council of Executives also ruled that support for all TUSC candidates for the May 2012 local elections is a legitimate expenditure from Branch and Regional Council Political Funds, if they so wish.


Yours sincerely


Bob Crow


General Secretary


This on top of the donation the RMT makes to the Labour Party.

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I would think so and I suspect you think so too.


With the low morale of the country I hate to say he may well be.

God Help Us.

We are in such a state of decline that Nero would be a better leader, than any we have in the offing at present.

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Maybe someone will assassinate him?:)


You've done it now! There'll a dawn raid on your house, then off on a special flight for interrogation in Jordan followed by a lengthy extra judicial visit to Guatanamo Bay!

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Dear Colleague


May 2012 Local Elections. Use of Branch and Regional Council Political Funds


I am writing to advise Branches of arrangements for the above in respect of the use of Branch and Regional Council Political Funds.


As you will be aware under Rule Branches and Regional Councils are entitled to use their Political Funds to make donations to Labour Party Candidates, if they so wish.


Under Rule Branches and Regional Councils can also request the Council of Executives authorise support for other organisations.


In this respect the Council of Executives at their meeting on 21 March 2012, and following a consultation with effected branches and regions, endorsed a request from the London Transport Regional Council to support Trade Union and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) candidates at the Greater London Authority elections. The Council of Executives also ruled that this was legitimate expenditure for all Branch and Regional Council Political Funds.


In light of this decision and at the same meeting the Council of Executives also ruled that support for all TUSC candidates for the May 2012 local elections is a legitimate expenditure from Branch and Regional Council Political Funds, if they so wish.


Yours sincerely


Bob Crow


General Secretary


This on top of the donation the RMT makes to the Labour Party.


Isn't Miliband proposing capping union donations to £5,000 or did I dream that?

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