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Knee pain when running

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Hi all


I am currently training for the half marathon in a few weeks and although I haven't been training intensely for it I've been running 2-3 times a week.


Over the last week or so within the first 2-3 minutes of running I get a pain in my left knee, which if I continue running the pain gets worse.


I just wondered if anyone has experienced this sort of pain before and any advice you can give me?


I'm going to book to see a sports physio hopefully this week (the one on Eccelsall Road unless anyone can recommend anywhere else)


Thanks in advance



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Whereabouts in your knee is the pain?


Does it happen on a particular movement or is it of the same intensity throughout your running movement?


Do you stretch properly before and after running and during the days that you don't run, including stretching your whole body?


The last pain that I had in my knee during exercise was nothing to do with my knee and was all to do with one of my hip flexors being too tight, which referred pain down to my knee. It's way too complex to just say 'knee pain' and expect someone to be able to suggest a treatment.

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Make sure you are wearing good quality running shoes, preferably bought from a specialist running shop (ie, keep on running at Attercliffe) who seem to be staffed by runners.


Sadly running is devastating for the knees so it sounds like you are beginning to store up problems and you are doing the very activity which will make the problem worse - very similar to taking laxative tablets if you are suffering from diohear.


Difficult to prepare for a marathon without actually running, you may have to accept the pain for the next few weeks

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Knee pain stopped me running the London marathon this year (doing it next year instead hopefully), coming down a hill at the end of a long run started it off and ended up seeing physio for several months (early Feb - ongoing) trying to sort it out.


Looking back I think I tried to up my distances too soon. As much as my CV capability was there, I guess the legs hadn't fully acclimatised to the training so the long run finished them. I'm starting again at the moment but building distances much more slowly.


Hopefully I'll be ready for 2013!

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Hi all


I am currently training for the half marathon in a few weeks and although I haven't been training intensely for it I've been running 2-3 times a week.


Over the last week or so within the first 2-3 minutes of running I get a pain in my left knee, which if I continue running the pain gets worse.


I just wondered if anyone has experienced this sort of pain before and any advice you can give me?


I'm going to book to see a sports physio hopefully this week (the one on Eccelsall Road unless anyone can recommend anywhere else)


Thanks in advance




Main thing is that you`re seeing a specialist and I`m sure they`ll sort you out. There`s a few in the Eccy Road area. If it`s on the outside of the knee, it could be IT Band syndrome. It does take most of us a good while to get the legs and body run-proof; I had most of the common injuries in my first year of running. Good luck!

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I was in the army for years and we did a lot of running both my knees are completely knakerd now, the pain you have sounds like a cartilage problem have a feel at the back of your knee if there is a lump or some pain if you press, that could be a bakers cyst they are painful fluid fild lumps that happen when the fluid runs out of the joint.

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Hi all


I am currently training for the half marathon in a few weeks and although I haven't been training intensely for it I've been running 2-3 times a week.


Over the last week or so within the first 2-3 minutes of running I get a pain in my left knee, which if I continue running the pain gets worse.


I just wondered if anyone has experienced this sort of pain before and any advice you can give me?


I'm going to book to see a sports physio hopefully this week (the one on Eccelsall Road unless anyone can recommend anywhere else)


Thanks in advance




You sound in the same situation as me, I did my knee in just over 2 weeks ago whilst training for HM, I haven't run for 2 weeks but done lots rest, ice, elevation and the odd ibuprofen. Have been walking for the last week and feeling much stronger, so I'm off out in the morning for my first run since.


I know rest is the last thing you'll probably want to do but take expert advice before you think of running through the pain.


Hope you improve in time for the HM.

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