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Has anyone else noticed how nearly every garage`s toilet "is broken" ?

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Its not the first time he's done it.


I wouldn't go anywhere near his shop with the attitude he has.


Skirmisher, I`ve got a story for you and would be very interested to know your opinion on it, and it`s absolutely true.

Last December a customer phoned up asking what he needed to sort out his problem. I remember he was on the phone an absolute age, but, somewhat surprisingly, he did end up ordering £2.30 worth of stuff (the P&P was £3.50, which I can tell you only just covers our costs for packing and sending an order). Now £2.30 is not very much considering how long he was on the phone, we wouldn`t have made any money on this order, but it`s the principle, he did actually spend something so that`s OK.

Then about 30min later he phones back and asks if we sell something for his satellite, I tell him unfortunately we don`t do them. So he asks me where he could get it from, so I suggest he tries Satcure. He was very grateful for the advice, the second piece we`d given him that day......

Around an hour later he phones back yet again and says can he cancel the order because he`s managed to get the stuff he`d ordered from us from Satcure along with the satellite stuff so he can save on the carriage charge. Really I`m not joking this actually happened. Even if you ignore the 30 minutes I`d spent on the phone to him (by far the the greatest cost of this whole sorry tale) you must also remember the cost of the voided invoice* and the amount we get charged by Barclays for the initial amount and for the refund (yes we really do get charged for both). But the most unfair aspect of this is the fact I`d tried to help him by advising him where he could get the satellite part and he`d punished me for it !

This guy is without any doubt the biggest wazzock we`ve ever had any dealings with, in fact it`s gone down in ATV folklore and he`s become an anecdote.


Now, what are your thoughts on that ? I`m not after scoring any points here, I`d just be interested to know what you think.


* The invoice is on our wall with "ONE OF THE FEW" scrawled across it in red felt tip....

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Why should any petrol station have a customer toilet unless they're a service station? If people can't be bothered to go to the toilet before they go out, or use a public convience whilst out......let's face it, if you go to meadowhall, they have public toilets. If you've been to the pub or out for a meal, they have toilets. Why should petrol stations provide them? If i was parked waiting for a pump to become free and the person had decided to go for a s**t, how long am going to have to wait???? Get a grip and go before you go out like a good boy!


You (Mr Smith) may well get a better class of customer. Unfortunately petrol stations get the scum as well as the good so have to treat everyone the same. Sorry, no loo!


That's gotta be the best line I've read on here for a long while. You should definitely get an award for that observation!!!! :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Justin, a long story but I do apologise, what has this bloke actually done wrong?

I'm wondering the same thing. He seems to think that his 'fantastic' customer service should be rewarded with lots of money thrown at him, when in actual fact customer service doesn't need to be rewarded as you shouldn't be doing anything thats not expected of you; good service is expected whether you spend or not. Obviously IHO his customers are a total waste of time if they don't spend owt!

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Justin, a long story but I do apologise, what has this bloke actually done wrong?


That`s a "Forum Answer".

Whoever I tell that anecdote to I never fail to get a "You`re kidding ! " or , "it`s unbelievable what some people are like isn`t it"......

But to some people on Forums, it`s "what has he actually done wrong" (apart from waste half an hour of my time, abuse the help I gave him and cost me about 50p* in fees for his initial payment and his refund).


* I agree it`s not much, but it`s the principle, although 50p is nothing compared to the cost of half an hour of my time, £10 to £20 ?


We`ve just had an E Mail from a customer of the more usual type we get :


I’ve just noticed that you have sent me a refund of £2 set against the original charge for the postage of the ½ wave dipole FM aerial that I ordered today. It wasn’t expected of course but nonetheless much appreciated – thanks.

Regards, John W

P.S. I have found your website to be extremely helpful and informative – really excellent - thanks again.

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I'm wondering the same thing. He seems to think that his 'fantastic' customer service should be rewarded with lots of money thrown at him, when in actual fact customer service doesn't need to be rewarded as you shouldn't be doing anything thats not expected of you; good service is expected whether you spend or not. Obviously IHO his customers are a total waste of time if they don't spend owt!


As I said earlier, it`s enough that they genuinely want to buy something off us (it`s not uncommon for us to tell customers they don`t actually need to buy anything ! ), but "customers" who don`t actually want to buy anything, they just want to pick your brains, they`re not customers, they`re just timewasters.

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....and how do you know they're not going to come back and spend a lot? I regularly had customers come in my office to talk about 'trivial' things; I had sales targets to meet. Should I have treat them differently, or treat them fantastic for the sake of a) customer relations and b) they might come back and spend enough to give me all my weeks targets? This is twice you've moaned about people now and I wonder how many more you diss. The only positive of your business atm seems to be a public toilet.

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Justin, out of interest (and this isn't scoring points) but how many customers do you get each week?? We have around 15,000. Thats 780,000 per year. Around 12 complaints doesn't even equate to 0.001%!! it seems from what you've said, all your complaints are made by you about your customers!!!

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....and how do you know they're not going to come back and spend a lot? I regularly had customers come in my office to talk about 'trivial' things; I had sales targets to meet. Should I have treat them differently, or treat them fantastic for the sake of a) customer relations and b) they might come back and spend enough to give me all my weeks targets? This is twice you've moaned about people now and I wonder how many more you diss. The only positive of your business atm seems to be a public toilet.


I don`t think you`re reading my posts ! I reckon 90% of our customers are absolutely class, and probably 99% of the remainder are fine, probably less than 0.1 % are a***s. I don`t want to deal with people like that, in fact if reading this thread puts people like that off using us that`s great as far as I`m concerned. I find the difference in attitude between different people is absolutely incredible. To take the example of the bloke who cancelled his order, I reckon 99.999% of our customers wouldn`t have done that. Most would only cancel an order if it were a significant amount and they really didn`t need the item, but, and this is true, such is the class of our customers, if we`d already packed the order most of those who did cancel would actually offer us something for our trouble. We never accept it (unless we`ve directly lost money, like on carriage), just the offer is enough for me to conclude they were decent sorts, just like we are in fact.

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I don`t think you`re reading my posts ! I reckon 90% of our customers are absolutely class, and probably 99% of the remainder are fine, probably less than 0.1 % are a***s. I don`t want to deal with people like that, in fact if reading this thread puts people like that off using us that`s great as far as I`m concerned. I find the difference in attitude between different people is absolutely incredible. To take the example of the bloke who cancelled his order, I reckon 99.999% of our customers wouldn`t have done that. Most would only cancel an order if it were a significant amount and they really didn`t need the item, but, and this is true, such is the class of our customers, if we`d already packed the order most of those who did cancel would actually offer us something for our trouble. We never accept it (unless we`ve directly lost money, like on carriage), just the offer is enough for me to conclude they were decent sorts, just like we are in fact.


Thats a fair enough response. But I still stand by the fact that you shouldn't be complaining about the less desirable customers on a public forum - its unprofessional. Its more than just the a***s you might be putting off; if I wanted to buy from you, and circumstances changed and I could get a better deal elsewhere and so cancelled my order, would I be the subject of your complaints? And again, it comes back to you only praising those who have offered you money for the service they received, even if it is only 'for your trouble'. Money shouldn't come into it. I understand that a business survives on what it makes in the bank, but the amount of service you offer shouldn't be dependent on whether someone spends that particular day, or messes you about. Service is service, and all customers should be treat the same. If they inconvenience you, then I'm afraid its tough as you are there to serve them, and not for them to make your life easier.

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