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Has anyone else noticed how nearly every garage`s toilet "is broken" ?

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There`s probably some Health and Safety B******s ruling about customers using our loo. I couldn`t give a toss, I`m more bothered about my customers, so long as they actually spend some money with me that is. I hate time wasters even more than the next man.


I just had a cheeky cow timewaster on the phone which rather reminded me of this post I`d made.

She phones up and picks our brains as to what kind of splitter she needs. I ask her a few informed and pertinent questions and then told her which type would suit her best. She then says, "thanks for the information*, I`ll see if I can get it locally and if I can`t I`ll get back to you" ! I was speechless, which is rare for me. The thing that frustrated me even more was that she dangled the possibility that she might in fact phone us back (I`m not holding my breath though), thus putting me off telling her what I thought of her, which is not very complimentary I have to say.

You should always spend your money where you get your information, not to do so is bleedin` cheeky.

As far as I`m concerned that woman is not a customer (for whom we`re prepared to do a very great deal, as I`ve already indicated), she`s a pain in the a**e timewaster, and if she ever wanted to use our loo I`d direct her to the nearest filling station thus wasting some of her time.


* What`s even cheekier about this timewasting **** is that the information is on our website anyway, she just couldn`t be bothered to look for it ! ! !

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I just had a cheeky cow timewaster on the phone which rather reminded me of this post I`d made.

She phones up and picks our brains as to what kind of splitter she needs. I ask her a few informed and pertinent questions and then told her which type would suit her best. She then says, "thanks, I`ll see if I can get it locally and if I can`t I`ll get back to you" ! I was speechless, which is rare for me. The thing that frustrated me even more was that she dangled the possibility that she might in fact phone us back, thus putting me off telling her what I thought of her, which is not very complimentary I have to say.

You should always spend your money where you get your information, not to do so is bleedin` cheeky.

As far as I`m concerned that woman is not a customer (for whom we`re prepared to do a very great deal, as I`ve already indicated), she`s a pain in the a**e timewaster.


Let's all ring the number on Justin's signature and ask if we can come round to his shop and use his toilet. See how he likes it! ;)

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No, what we disagree on is you can and probably have the time to let people use your toilet at your business premises, because you think it's offering them good customer service. That's your opinion. Chance are, they wouldn't think any less of you if you said no. Our disagreement is you saying because I SHOULD let people use our staff toilet, I'm offering POOR customer service. My petrol stations serve on average 15-16 thousand people each week. Thats more than 2000 per day. I want people in and out. The 'service' I offer is having the fuel for them to fill up their cars at a competitive price. Not a loo for some of them to use. There is no benefit for me to have a loo. It wouldn't make people spend more. There is no benefit, only expense in monetary terms and addition staff hours.


Funnily enough I`ve asked the last four people I`ve met the following question :


"Would you expect to be able to use a loo at a service station where you`d just filled up with petrol ?"


All of them, unprompted by myself I have to say, said yes. This isn`t surprising, saying it`s unreasonable to do so is a Forum answer, that is to say one you wouldn`t normally get out in the real world, unless you were talking to a garage owner or someone else with a vested interest or someone who just wanted to argue for the sake of it.

I can see why you want to believe that people don`t expect to use your loo and don`t feel annoyed if thay can`t, it`s only human nature for you to think that, but, unfortunately, you`re wrong.

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The common sense answer.


If a Garage offer "Public Toilets" then I expect them to be open to the Public. If the Garage does not offer "Public Toilets" then it would be down to the Garage owners "rules" if the Public could use the private facilities. I suspect most would decline.



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Funnily enough I`ve asked the last four people I`ve met the following question :


"Would you expect to be able to use a loo at a service station where you`d just filled up with petrol ?"


All of them, unprompted by myself I have to say, said yes. This isn`t surprising, saying it`s unreasonable to do so is a Forum answer, that is to say one you wouldn`t normally get out in the real world, unless you were talking to a garage owner or someone else with a vested interest or someone who just wanted to argue for the sake of it.

I can see why you want to believe that people don`t expect to use your loo and don`t feel annoyed if thay can`t, it`s only human nature for you to think that, but, unfortunately, you`re wrong.


Why did you not ask them the same question but change the service station for a garage?

You would expect Macdonalds to have toilets but not Betties Baps, the chuck wagon on the side of the A633.

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I do give a toss because if i was to let customers into the back area, i could lose my job! Which i'm not willing to do just because you need a wee!!


The petrol station i work at is at Meadowhall. The land and building that we rent belongs to Meadowhall. We have asked them previously if we could install a customer toilet. They said no. (They hope that when we tell customers we don't have a public toilet, they'll ask where the nearest one is and we'll tell them it's in Meadowhall. Off they go to use the toilets in Meadowhall and end up doing a bit of shopping while they're in there.)


So we can't have one installed as Meadowhall won't allow it. I can't let customers into the back as i could lose my job. So now what do you suggest i do?


The golden rule, and this applies generally, if you work for someone else and have to tell people something they don`t want to hear, say "I don`t agree with it myself but that`s what I`ve been told to do". That way you take all the wind out of their sails. Even better give them a complaints form, but never, ever, bin it without passing it on, complaints are very valuable feedback to any well run business. The very worst thing you can do is try to defend something which you`ve been told to say and which you may well not actually agree with anyway.

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