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Has anyone else noticed how nearly every garage`s toilet "is broken" ?

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The reason i tell customers that we don't have a public toilet isn't because it's what i've been told to say. The reason i tell customers we don't have a public toilet is because we don't have a public toilet!!! And i'm so glad that we don't!! I'd hate to have a customer toilet at my place of work.


Totally agree with 'badlittlepup', majority of the customers that are told we don't have a customer toilet are totally fine with it. They accept that we don't have one and it's not a problem at all. They ask where the nearest one is, we tell them and they thank us. The few that seem to think they should have the right to use our toilet are always the obnoxious morons!


I`ll bet none of them are happy about it whether they tell you or not !

I can`t remember the last time we had an obnoxious moron customer asking to use our loo. My definition of an obnoxious customer is a time waster, and, ironically they never ask to use our loo !

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Is that the right way you speak about a potentional or future customer on an open public forum?? I thought you were an advocate for good customer service?? That's an appalling attitude!!! If I rang or visited a specialist business for advice, I'd expect to get the offer of help and the advice, regardless of whether I was spending money at the time. That business could potentially get my future business.


I have no problem with that woman reading this forum, in fact I`d be delighted if she did, it annoyed me that I didn`t get the chance to tell her I thought she was bleedin` cheeky ! She was out of order, why didn`t she go and ask the local supplier where she wanted to buy the thing rather than taking up our time phoning us.

And she`s not a customer, they`re people who spend money with you, or, at the very least, expect to spend money with you, she didn`t. We frequently tell people who phone up with an order that they don`t actually need to buy anything. That`s a bit frustrating in a way, but the difference is those people were actually prepared to spend with us, it`s just they didn`t need to, there`s a big big difference between them and that woman.

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Justin - I don't care whether she intended to spend money with you or not, spouting about her on a public forum is unprofessional, rude and contradictory to everything you've said about customer service, which is more about the relationship rather than the money....treat someone right, they will spend, then tell their friends, who will spend. Your attitude is disgusting, and you've instantly knocked yourself off your own customer service pedestal. How do we know you don't talk about all customers like that?

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Justin - I don't care whether she intended to spend money with you or not, spouting about her on a public forum is unprofessional, rude and contradictory to everything you've said about customer service, which is more about the relationship rather than the money....treat someone right, they will spend, then tell their friends, who will spend. Your attitude is disgusting, and you've instantly knocked yourself off your own customer service pedestal. How do we know you don't talk about all customers like that?


Its not the first time he's done it.


I wouldn't go anywhere near his shop with the attitude he has.

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Out of the 15 or so THOUSAND we serve each week, we probably get asked half a dozen times per day. Of those people, maybe one a month if that, passes comment about how we should. Usually, these people are the ones who couldn't be bothered to use the free gloves! If a customer does get diesel on their hands, we always provide a damp cloth for them to clean their hands with. What angers me, is the comment made by justin that because i don't have a public toilet and won't let customers use the staff one - for reasons previously mentioned, i'm offering poor customer service! Thats simply not true. If customers received poor service, we wouldn't have 15000+ customers per week and this forum would be full of comments and threads about us. It isnt and saying we offer poor customer service because we are simply stating a fact, is wrong.

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Justin - I don't care whether she intended to spend money with you or not, spouting about her on a public forum is unprofessional, rude and contradictory to everything you've said about customer service, which is more about the relationship rather than the money....treat someone right, they will spend, then tell their friends, who will spend. Your attitude is disgusting, and you've instantly knocked yourself off your own customer service pedestal. How do we know you don't talk about all customers like that?


I maintain she is not a customer and never intended to be, she`s just a time waster and people like that annoy me intensely. Anybody who expects anything for free wants to take a long look at themselves as far as I`m concerned. If you had people phoning you up picking your brains (for information which is on our website anyway ! ), who have no intention of buying anything, you`d feel like I do, believe me.

Nobody at all can knock our customer service, it`s above and beyond the call of duty, not that we regard it as a duty, we like treating our customers well. What`s the last thing we did that was worth mentioning ? Oh yes, a chap orders (Online) a pole and bracket but no V bolts, we phone him up to check he needs some, he says yes he forgot to put them on and he can`t do the job without them, we said don`t worry about it, we`ll send them for free. How often do you get that ? Hardly ever. Do you know how much time that kind of customer service takes ? ! ? A lot, but we don`t mind, it`s all part of the service, I like my customers, that`s real customers, not timewasters.


Its not the first time he's done it.

I wouldn't go anywhere near his shop with the attitude he has.


Having read the above, which is all true by the way, suit yourself.

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Out of the 15 or so THOUSAND we serve each week, we probably get asked half a dozen times per day. Of those people, maybe one a month if that, passes comment about how we should. Usually, these people are the ones who couldn't be bothered to use the free gloves! If a customer does get diesel on their hands, we always provide a damp cloth for them to clean their hands with. What angers me, is the comment made by justin that because i don't have a public toilet and won't let customers use the staff one - for reasons previously mentioned, i'm offering poor customer service! Thats simply not true. If customers received poor service, we wouldn't have 15000+ customers per week and this forum would be full of comments and threads about us. It isnt and saying we offer poor customer service because we are simply stating a fact, is wrong.


Sorry, there appears to have been a breakdown in communication here, I`m saying that as an employee my advice is not to defend something you`ve been told to say, particularly if you either don`t agree with it or don`t want the aggro.

As for why does have a business have to justify itself to a customer, I`d have thought the answer to that was obvious.

I often feel a business can be judged by its attitude to complaints/comments. The best businesses are very keen to hear what their customers think, what they`re happy with and what they`re not happy with. The worst businesses couldn`t care less. My business is very bothered what any customer says to us, any complaint or comment, and I`ll tell you something, the great majority are right, or at least have a ring of truth to them. Not that we get many complaints I have to say ! In my experience, as a general rule, for every customer who complains there are dozens, or even hundreds, who don`t bother .


One person a month complaining about the same thing is a lot, believe me.

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One person a month complaining about the same thing is a lot, believe me.


No. It's not!! One person a month makes it 1 person out of about 60,000!!! Or 12 out of 780,000! That's not a lot!


I've worked at the Petrol Station for almost 5years. In all that time, only 3 people have argued with me about not being able to use the toilet. And yes, they were all obnoxious idiots!!

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No. It's not!! One person a month makes it 1 person out of about 60,000!!! Or 12 out of 780,000! That's not a lot!


I've worked at the Petrol Station for almost 5years. In all that time, only 3 people have argued with me about not being able to use the toilet. And yes, they were all obnoxious idiots!!


Obnoxious idiots they may be, but what about the ones that don't say owt and then whine like babies when they get home?

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