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Happy Eggs, or Any Eggs?

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Yes, I must have meant that. How stupid of me not to not to know, thank god you were here. Never ever leave me again


well you did though didn't you;) As I said we wouldn't have fair trade etc if people ALWAYS voted with their wallets!

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I may be wrong, but haven't battery farms gone now anyway. Made illegal at the beginning of the year.

I myself have my own chickens, and get my eggs fresh every morning;


I notice you live in Crookes...do you ever sell your eggs? If so I would definetely be interested in taking some if you have enough. I used to work with a lady who brought her eggs in to sell, but she retired a while back.

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I am of the opinion that all animal products should include a picture on the packet of the average living conditions of the animal. Battery farms would be gone immediately!


I like this idea, and agree would put not everyone but quite a good few off buying eggs from Chickens kept in horrid conditions.


After all they have pictures of diseased lungs on packets of cigarettes to try and put people off.


On a recent group walk we did from maling bridge to bradfield, we passed some free range chickens, everyone in the group went and bough some of their eggs.

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  • 1 year later...
Does anyone specifically buy, happy eggs or go for the cheapest? Personally I don't see any taste difference, but when instructed to go shopping by my OH I have to get Happy Eggs.


What do you buy?


i dont buy any now. got 4 hens for my birthday and they lay me 4 beautiful eggs every morning.

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I can't tell the difference in taste or colour but would always buy free range - I get a warm glow knowing my morning eggs came from a happy hen


You don't always get what you pay for.


Eggs from battery hens advertised as free-range or barn-raised have been found on the shelves of high street stores by consumer watchdogs, a new report has revealed.


Roadside couple fined for selling 12,000 battery eggs as farm-fresh.

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The fact is that eggs sold in supermarkets as fresh eggs are at least a week old before reaching the shelfs. Because when there laid they have to be collected then sent for sizeing then stamping then packing then sent out to shops.


I keep hens and I can taste the difference between my eggs and any shop bought ones

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Does anyone specifically buy, happy eggs or go for the cheapest? Personally I don't see any taste difference, but when instructed to go shopping by my OH I have to get Happy Eggs.


What do you buy?


I don't buy happy eggs, I buy free range woodland/organic eggs. I wouldn't have a clue what a battery egg tastes like and I am not prepared to find out. I don't know what happy eggs means though, I assume they are free range but that may be what they want you to think:suspect:


just realised this is an old discussion I have already replied to!

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