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North Carolina Ban Same Sex Unions

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In a move thats strikingly vindictive the state of North Carolina has banned same sex couples from having any form of legal union. Not just marriage but civil partnership or anything similar.




I know a lot of you will be pleased. But it seems to me theres a section of the south (of America) that won't be happy until they are sat on the veranda in white suits sipping mint juleps watching the slaves pick cotton. Land of the free? Apparently not if you want to rub your funbags against similar ones.


Next they'll be teaching creationism in schools...


Oh dear...:(

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Unbelievable, this comment from Tami says it all and demonstrates how far gays have to go..


"Tami Fitzgerald, chairwoman of Votes for Marriage NC, the main group behind the amendment, said: "We are not anti-gay, we are pro-marriage. The whole point is you don't rewrite the nature of God's design for marriage based on the demands of a group of adults."


I'm guessing gays aren't seeking to 'rewrite God's design', they just want to be able to choose to be legally bonded to one another. Why dont the religious zealots..Jews, Muslims, Christians and others keep their noses out of other folks business?

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Unbelievable, this comment from Tami says it all and demonstrates how far gays have to go..


"Tami Fitzgerald, chairwoman of Votes for Marriage NC, the main group behind the amendment, said: "We are not anti-gay, we are pro-marriage. The whole point is you don't rewrite the nature of God's design for marriage based on the demands of a group of adults."


I'm guessing gays aren't seeking to 'rewrite God's design', they just want to be able to choose to be legally bonded to one another. Why dont the religious zealots..Jews, Muslims, Christians and others keep their noses out of other folks business?


Surely a better thing to do if they're so pro marriage is ban divorce?

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Unbelievable, this comment from Tami says it all and demonstrates how far gays have to go..


"Tami Fitzgerald, chairwoman of Votes for Marriage NC, the main group behind the amendment, said: "We are not anti-gay, we are pro-marriage. The whole point is you don't rewrite the nature of God's design for marriage based on the demands of a group of adults."


I'm guessing gays aren't seeking to 'rewrite God's design', they just want to be able to choose to be legally bonded to one another. Why dont the religious zealots..Jews, Muslims, Christians and others keep their noses out of other folks business?


First of all; what do you hope to gain by including people in your post who may take their faith very seriously as zealots?

Secondly; If you chose to live in a particular country or state and certain laws are passed who are you to say they are wrong but you are right?

Personally I don't give a stuff what other people do in the privacy of their home but I do give a stuff when these same people insist that because I'm not a follower of their particular religion/lifestyle or sexual preferences I must be a member of a mythical extreme right wing hang-'em-all God squad and I have to allow them to force their viewpoints down my throat.

Do you have the monopoly on Truth and Wisdom?

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First of all; what do you hope to gain by including people in your post who may take their faith very seriously as zealots?

Secondly; If you chose to live in a particular country or state and certain laws are passed who are you to say they are wrong but you are right?

Personally I don't give a stuff what other people do in the privacy of their home but I do give a stuff when these same people insist that because I'm not a follower of their particular religion/lifestyle or sexual preferences I must be a member of a mythical extreme right wing hang-'em-all God squad and I have to allow them to force their viewpoints down my throat.

Do you have the monopoly on Truth and Wisdom?


For a start America is a secular country, there should be no laws passed which have a religious basis.

Secondly, homosexuals have no say into which country they are born. why should they be denied the right to a legal union based solely upon there sexuality?

Thirdly if any viewpoints are being forced down anyone's throats it is that of the religious bigots imposing their prejudices down the throats of homosexuals. In what way do you think allowing homosexuals to marry or form civil partnerships affects non-homosexuals? Now, switch that round and think in what way does denying the same rights to homosexuals as non-homosexuals affect homosexuals?



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For a start America is a secular country, there should be no laws passed which have a religious basis.

Secondly, homosexuals have no say into which country they are born. why should they be denied the right to a legal union based solely upon there sexuality?

Thirdly if any viewpoints are being forced down anyone's throats it is that of the religious bigots imposing their prejudices down the throats of homosexuals. In what way do you think allowing homosexuals to marry or form civil partnerships affects non-homosexuals? Now, switch that round and think in what way does denying the same rights to homosexuals as non-homosexuals affect homosexuals?




there should be no laws passed which have a religious basis.

The problem isn't always with religion, it's based on a lot of factors.

In the USA:(Which North Carolina is part of)

1. Constitutionally, marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman- and the constitution is the highest law in the land.

2. Marriage is a ritual that's rooted to the religion.

3. The US was found on a Christian-Judeo culture.


How does being Gay give them any special rights over the rights of others?

If I follow your post to it's (illogical) conclusion you are claiming that if a person holds a particular religiuos viewpoint and believes in a Higher Being then the Book they follow (Bible/Torah/Koran) is wrong and has always been wrong because it does not condone same sex relationships?

Nowhere in my previous post did I condemn or vilify same sex marriage I said I don't give a stuff what happens behind closed doors.


Now, if you and your followers feel so strongly about this subject why are you venting your feelings on this forum when you could be writing to any one of 73 NC newspapers?




Go on,I dare you!

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there should be no laws passed which have a religious basis.

The problem isn't always with religion, it's based on a lot of factors.

In the USA:(Which North Carolina is part of)

1. Constitutionally, marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman- and the constitution is the highest law in the land.

2. Marriage is a ritual that's rooted to the religion.

3. The US was found on a Christian-Judeo culture.


How does being Gay give them any special rights over the rights of others?

If I follow your post to it's (illogical) conclusion you are claiming that if a person holds a particular religiuos viewpoint and believes in a Higher Being then the Book they follow (Bible/Torah/Koran) is wrong and has always been wrong because it does not condone same sex relationships?

Nowhere in my previous post did I condemn or vilify same sex marriage I said I don't give a stuff what happens behind closed doors.


Now, if you and your followers feel so strongly about this subject why are you venting your feelings on this forum when you could be writing to any one of 73 NC newspapers?




Go on,I dare you!


It's not about being given any special rights over anyone else, it's about having parity, and having their relationship recognised as being just as valid as a straight couples'.

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First of all; what do you hope to gain by including people in your post who may take their faith very seriously as zealots?
You can 'take your faith seriously' without interfering in the lives of others, I have many religious friends who do, the zealots are the people who try to impose their religious views on the freedoms of others, in my view.

Secondly; If you chose to live in a particular country or state and certain laws are passed who are you to say they are wrong but you are right?

Apparently the USA is the land of the free, it seems some have more freedoms than others.

Personally I don't give a stuff what other people do in the privacy of their home but I do give a stuff when these same people insist that because I'm not a follower of their particular religion/lifestyle or sexual preferences I must be a member of a mythical extreme right wing hang-'em-all God squad and I have to allow them to force their viewpoints down my throat.

Forgive me, but I don't recall describing anybody as an 'extreme right wing hang em all God squad'

Do you have the monopoly on Truth and Wisdom?

No, but then I'm not trying to dictate how grown ups should choose to live their lives.
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