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North Carolina Ban Same Sex Unions

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Didn't California remove the right for same sex couples to marry?


It wasnt the state government that removed the right voluntarily. It was done by a ballot measure placed before the voters. To get a ballot measure included in a state election it has to first get about 250,000 signatures from people who support that particular measure (in California anyway). Proposition 8 the measure to "repeal same sex marriage" as it was called got at least that number of signatures and it qualified to be included with several other ballot measures dealing with State and local issues.


Who initiated that partculiar measure I dont know but it was likely done by conservative religious groups. You used to see volunteers outside the supermarkets collecting signatures so that it could be placed on the ballot on the next election date.


Prop 8 passed but not by a large majority but it was enough for the State Legislature to have to repeal the law allowing same sex marriage.


Later a Superior Court judge attempted to overturn the repeal saying it was unconstitutional but at present the State officially bans gay marriage until the issue comes up again for vote at some future date as I'm sure it will and who knows what will happen then.

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I'm not sure what you're saying here. Do you agree with NC?


However crowded or sparsely populated an area is, surely the people who live in a country are entitled to be governed by the same laws, especially in something as basic as this? And does what a particular area decides actually apply in common law all over the USA?


Say you got married or contracted a civil partnerships in NYC, and then you move to NC, how does their law apply to you? And if you live in NC, move to NYC and get married, and then move back, is your contract then invalidated?


I personally do not agree with North Carolina. I feel that two consenting adults should be able to get married if they so desire, with the same benefits and drawbacks for married couples in that state. Same sex couples (imo) are being denied the rights that other citizens enjoy.


Not all states offer civil unions to their same sex residents, and not all states are obligated to recognize laws from other states, including civil unions. Funny, because the husband and I were married in Carson City, Nevada and it's perfectly legal in every state of the union.


The Defense of Marriage Act was signed into law by Bill Clinton.


I really don't see this ending anytime soon. Each state likes to think they can do their own thing, and if I live in New Hampshire, I'd resent the hell out of someone in Florida trying to tell me what laws I should have. Yes, it is terribly confusing, in fact it's a mess.


This whole discussion has made my mind drift to all things financial. MONEY. What about taxes? So complicated.

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it could be good call that. I just don't know yet. It could cost him vital votes in swing states was my first thought. He should have just fudged it.


After Joe Biden upstaged him in announcing that he (BIden) was in favour of gay marriage poor old Obama would have looked dumb if he had just said nothing. Obama should really dump Biden and get Hillary Clinton as his running mate this time around. This would put her in a good position to run for Pres in 2016 and at least in the meantime as VP she could be relied on not to run off at the mouth and put Barack on the spot

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I personally do not agree with North Carolina... snip ... Each state likes to think they can do their own thing, and if I live in New Hampshire, I'd resent the hell out of someone in Florida trying to tell me what laws I should have. Yes, it is terribly confusing, in fact it's a mess.


haha, bizarre, it's like us wanting to have different laws from Lancashire or Derbyshire. And now the countries of our Union are wanting to split up and be independent. Maybe that'd be what would happen if your government didn't let the different states have their own laws? We live in interesting times.
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I personally do not agree with North Carolina. I feel that two consenting adults should be able to get married if they so desire, with the same benefits and drawbacks for married couples in that state. Same sex couples (imo) are being denied the rights that other citizens enjoy.


Not all states offer civil unions to their same sex residents, and not all states are obligated to recognize laws from other states, including civil unions. Funny, because the husband and I were married in Carson City, Nevada and it's perfectly legal in every state of the union.


The Defense of Marriage Act was signed into law by Bill Clinton.


I really don't see this ending anytime soon. Each state likes to think they can do their own thing, and if I live in New Hampshire, I'd resent the hell out of someone in Florida trying to tell me what laws I should have. Yes, it is terribly confusing, in fact it's a mess.


This whole discussion has made my mind drift to all things financial. MONEY. What about taxes? So complicated.


Try telling that to someone in Kansas. You'll get tarred and feathered and run outta town :hihi:

I've driven through that State. Hit the radio station auto tune button and good luck on finding anything other than religion although at one point I thought i heard a country music station amid a lot of static.


Anyway, they have a right to decide what they want in their state and if it's a ban on same sex marriage as a result of popular vote then so be it.

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... Anyway, they have a right to decide what they want in their state and if it's a ban on same sex marriage as a result of popular vote then so be it.
That's a concept that really does defy logic and does not compute to people over here. It's a total denial of a fundamental human right in the 21st c. I always thought your people were One Nation, not a mess of disparate parts each deciding their own path.


Don't you think it's well past time for you all to get your different acts together and start reading from the International Bill of Human Rights?

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haha, bizarre, it's like us wanting to have different laws from Lancashire or Derbyshire. And now the countries of our Union are wanting to split up and be independent. Maybe that'd be what would happen if your government didn't let the different states have their own laws? We live in interesting times.


There's no difference between people in Lancashire or Derbyshire other than they think their local footy team is the cat's mieooow ! !


There is however a big difference between a New Yorker and an Arizonian and that's the whole point.

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That's a concept that really does defy logic and does not compute to people over here. It's a total denial of a fundamental human right in the 21st c. I always thought your people were One Nation, not a mess of disparate parts each deciding their own path.


Don't you think it's well past time for you all to get your different acts together and start reading from the Bill of Human Rights?


Well we've stuck together pretty well since 1865 and it will take a bit more than same sex marriage to break it up so theer :hihi:

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Try telling that to someone in Kansas. You'll get tarred and feathered and run outta town :hihi:

I've driven through that State. Hit the radio station auto tune button and good luck on finding anything other than religion although at one point I thought i heard a country music station amid a lot of static.


Anyway, they have a right to decide what they want in their state and if it's a ban on same sex marriage as a result of popular vote then so be it.


Though I don't agree with NC, I do feel that states absolutely have the right to decide what they want. I feel in time, the laws will change, but in the meantime, if I don't like the laws in one state, I'll move. Nothing more infuriating than residents of that state voting fair and square on something, then having the whole thing overturned. Remember Prop 187?

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There's no difference between people in Lancashire or Derbyshire other than they think their local footy team is the cat's mieooow ! !


There is however a big difference between a New Yorker and an Arizonian and that's the whole point.

Ohhh, wash your mouth out! You've been away far too long. There's a big enough difference between North and South Sheffield, let alone between us and the Mancs!


I always thought Californians were the very epitome of cool. What on earth happened to them?

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