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North Carolina Ban Same Sex Unions

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That's a concept that really does defy logic and does not compute to people over here. It's a total denial of a fundamental human right in the 21st c. I always thought your people were One Nation, not a mess of disparate parts each deciding their own path.


Don't you think it's well past time for you all to get your different acts together and start reading from the International Bill of Human Rights?


We are a contradiction, ruby. We are the same and we are different. E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.


Sort of like siblings who fight amongst themselves, hate each other at times, and bickers over petty jealousies and rivalries, but is able to pull it together when outsiders threaten.

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There's no difference between people in Lancashire or Derbyshire other than they think their local footy team is the cat's mieooow ! !


There is however a big difference between a New Yorker and an Arizonian and that's the whole point.



No it isn't. Thinking your local footy team is the cats meow doesn't closely reflect the damaging effects banning a simple freedom can have.



The only difference between a N Yorker and an Arizonian is not the distance in miles but the distance between ears where brain matter should be. It seems by your own figures children seem to be moving forward and certain adults moving backwards. Any further and they'll become Taliban sympathizers...how ironic is that.


Good for the kids.

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Judging by all the gripes I read on the forum about Cameron and Clegg, cuts to services and austerity measures and a recent declaration that the UK was now in a recession are you sure we're talking about the same country?

Or is the average forum member just a chronic malcontent and whinger? :huh:


Many of the forum members are indeed malcontents and whingers. They have never had it so good.

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I seiously can't belive that this was put the to vote.

Who do these people think they are, thinking they have the right to tell people they will never meet that they aren't allowed to marry the person they love.

Shame on them.


As an asside, if you buy into the flamboyant gay stereotype, gay marriages can save the economy. :hihi:

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I seiously can't belive that this was put the to vote.

Who do these people think they are, thinking they have the right to tell people they will never meet that they aren't allowed to marry the person they love.

Shame on them.


As an asside, if you buy into the flamboyant gay stereotype, gay marriages can save the economy. :hihi:


I wonder what would happen in the UK if the Govt passed the same sex marriage act or has it yet?

Two gay Muslims or Hindus getting married in a civil registry office in Bradford. Would they make it to the nearest bus stop?


Britain isnt the shining example of tolerance that you hold up in comparison to this country

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Ohhh, wash your mouth out! You've been away far too long. There's a big enough difference between North and South Sheffield, let alone between us and the Mancs!


I always thought Californians were the very epitome of cool. What on earth happened to them?


I was aware of that. Some go to Bramall Lane and some go to Hillsborough

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I wonder what would happen in the UK if the Govt passed the same sex marriage act or has it yet?

Two gay Muslims or Hindus getting married in a civil registry office in Bradford. Would they make it to the nearest bus stop?


Britain isnt the shining example of tolerance that you hold up in comparison to this country

They could register a civil partnership now, not sure if any have though.


But yes this is not the most tolerant of nations.

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I wonder what would happen in the UK if the Govt passed the same sex marriage act or has it yet?

Two gay Muslims or Hindus getting married in a civil registry office in Bradford. Would they make it to the nearest bus stop?


Britain isnt the shining example of tolerance that you hold up in comparison to this country


I'm not Britain. I'm just me.

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So same sex marriage is not yet legal?


no, civil partnerships are all same sex couples can have, which the anti gay marriage lobby say "it's the same thing so why change it" and the pro gay marriage lobby say "if it's the same thing why not call it a marriage" and round and round we go.

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