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North Carolina Ban Same Sex Unions

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So do you think a majority of Yanks are homophobic? Or is it just the 30 who've already voted?


Can just hear them now "oooh, damnit honey, a couple of gays have moved in, when we have to live here. There goes the whole state. They'll be wanting to get their loving partnership legally recognised next, never gonna happen while I have breath in my body, and a gun"


Weird country!


So when will the UK recognize same sex marriage. Pot calling the kettle black

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So you support mob rule? Things would be a lot worse over here if we had the gun laws you lot have. The fact that Yanks like to go round shooting each other in large numbers shows that the USA isnt the shining example of tolerance that you hold up in comparison to this country.


But you have terrorists in Yemen and Afganistan carrying British passports around in their pockets :D

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So when will the UK recognize same sex marriage. Pot calling the kettle black
We have civil partnerships which are marriages in all but name and entitle the men or women in them to the same rights as a female and male in a marriage.


I thought that NC had voted to ban any sort of legal partnership for gays, not just marriage? That's nasty. How many states allow civil partnerships?

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It may make it onto the statutes this year but it is not a priority.Your two gay muslims/hindu question is a good one, and the first ones to do it would be brave, but I think they would have the support of the majority.


You have the advantage of living in both countries yet you give the impression of reading the Daily Mail too often when it comes to whats happening here.


Not a priority? Yet you think that it should be in America? The logic completely escapes me

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Not a priority? Yet you think that it should be in America? The logic completely escapes me
The thread is about NC banning same sex UNIONS. Of any sort, not just this thing called marriage. You're arguing off topic really.
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Here's a question, I assume the state concerned would like any gay people living there to continue to pay taxes ?


While at the same time denying them the same rights as the rest of the citizens.


Wasn't there a bit of a fuss about taxation without representation a while back ?


I would think there would be a strong case for no taxation without having equal rights.

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America is far too big to pretend to be united, it should be called VSA, various States of America.


The fact that a country of 300 million that is a melting pot of cultures, ideas and religions can exist together as a Republic should indicate to even a half wit that this is what democracy is all about.


If you want to see what the idea of "true unity" in it's most literal sense means visit North Korea

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So when will the UK recognize same sex marriage. Pot calling the kettle black


That isn't the point, and no one is condoning the fact that we also don't recognize same sex marriage. The issue here is NC not the UK. If you want to start a thread on recognized same sex marriage in the uk..or the lack of it then I'll be up there with you. For an adult you seem very petty..maybe you should take a leaf out of the younger generation in the US. If like NC we get the chance of a vote and we follow their train of thought then we are no better or worse. Mob rule is equally scary when it's a majority...if not more so.


As an aside you have completely ignored Jimmy's pertinent questions regarding the issue, and flow into some second rate education claptrap which has no relevance to the topic.

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The fact that a country of 300 million that is a melting pot of cultures, ideas and religions can exist together as a Republic should indicate to even a half wit that this is what democracy is all about.


If you want to see what the idea of "true unity" in it's most literal sense means visit North Korea


Thayats raahht cuzin Leroy!

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The thread is about NC banning same sex UNIONS. Of any sort, not just this thing called marriage. You're arguing off topic really.



The whole argument here is whether you believe in the power of the vote in deciding issues or whether State Legislatures (governments) should just have the right to impose whatever they think is right irregardless of offending others in matters of social conscience

I dont necessarily agree with the decision in NC but I do believe in the power of the vote when such decisions are placed before the voters.

That is democracy whether you like it or not. The day the people lose the right to vote is the day we can say goodbye to our rights.


The logical step for gays in NC is to start contributing donations to gay rights organisations, get representatives to speak on their behalf, select candidiates to run for state government. They did it in California where same sex partnerships are legal.


The other alternative is to pack up and move to a state where gays do have rights

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