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North Carolina Ban Same Sex Unions

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The old queens who used to hang around a pub in Woolwich, London near where I was stationed trying to hit on the soldier boys.


Tha's stiil a yoong pup and tha aint seen half o' wot I seen lad.


I'm not a phobe, not trying to generalize so dont get into a hiissy fit.


Yes, it must take years of experience to come up with evasive and meaningless answers like that.


But at least he got an answer. I ask once more: As you seem to equate paedophiles who molest boys with gay men, do you similarly consider hetrosexual men as indistinguishable from paedophiles who molest girls?

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Yes, it must take years of experience to come up with evasive and meaningless answers like that.


But at least he got an answer. I ask once more: As you seem to equate paedophiles who molest boys with gay men, do you similarly consider hetrosexual men as indistinguishable from paedophiles who molest girls?


I wouldnt know. I'm not a sexocoligist but I would say that a dirty old man who fancies a nubile shapely young girl of 14 is probably behaving more normally than a dirty old man with fantasies of swimming with naked pubescent boys.

Lord Baden-Powell was known to have an interest in the latter.


Here's a questions or two for you wise guy.


Do public schools like Eton and Harrow where boys have no social contact with girls breed homosexual tendencies? There is a school of thought that claim that it does.


If a gay couple male or female adopt a child will that child on reaching adult hood be able to relate in a normal manner when socializing with a member of the opposite sex?


Dont get your drawres in an uproar when posting a reply as you normally do. Just a straight answer will suffice

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The old queens who used to hang around a pub in Woolwich, London near where I was stationed trying to hit on the soldier boys.


Tha's stiil a yoong pup and tha aint seen half o' wot I seen lad.


I'm not a phobe, not trying to generalize so dont get into a hiissy fit.


You likened homosexuals to paedophiles you patronising silly old tit.

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Old queens hitting on soldiers of 19 and up? Thats not paedophilia numb nuts


Your memory is crumbling old man...


When I was young and growing up in Sheffield people got chucked in jail for being homosexual. There was no liberal attitude back then. One of our scoutmasters got kicked out for trying to do things to one of the scouts and when the neighbourhood found out they were mad enough to want to string him up from a street light.
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I wouldnt know. I'm not a sexocoligist


So you don't know if a paedophile who preys on girls is any different from a hetrosexual man?





Here's a questions or two for you wise guy.


Do public schools like Eton and Harrow where boys have no social contact with girls breed homosexual tendencies? There is a school of thought that claim that it does.


If a gay couple male or female adopt a child will that child on reaching adult hood be able to relate in a normal manner when socializing with a member of the opposite sex?


Dont get your drawres in an uproar when posting a reply as you normally do. Just a straight answer will suffice


My question to you was related to views you expressed on this thread which I was asking you to clarify.


These questions, on the other hand, bear no relationship to anything I have said. They would have the same relevance if you went down to the corner store and asked the man who works behind the counter to answer them.

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Of course laws aren't fair, and some people don't get that. But two same sex adults who want to formally legalize their relationship should be able to. At the very least a civil union of some sort.



Or at the least the exact same rights as your neighbor has.


It seems democracy in this case has voted on a point of equality..against it?

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But (and many people writing on this thread seem to have ignored this bit) North Carolina have not attempted to outlaw homosexuality, they have not attempted to discriminate against people on the grounds of sexual preference (both of which would (AFAIK) be illegal anywhere in the US), nor have they dictated how people shall live. They have, however, declined to treat cohabiting people in the same manner that they treat married people.


I never suggested they had outlawed Homosexuality..what they did do is outlaw same sex marriage. Additionally the amendment also dictates against women in that if your not in a marriage but in a "relationship" you can't file for domestic abuse. Theoretically you have to be married to file against an abuser.




They treat cohabiting heterosexuals in the same manner that they treat cohabiting homosexuals.


As it should be..in the same way they should treat married heterosexuals and homosexuals equally. As an individual you have every right to a preference, but to approved a constitutional amendment outlawing marriage between two individuals based on sexuality is outlawing homosexuality, if not cleverly indirectly.


If there is an allegation of discrimination, then the discrimination relates to the disparity between the treatment of married people and that of unmarried people.


It isn't an allegation..it's pure and simple discrimination...set in law.




LMAO!:hihi: Are you saying: "Sometimes the people are too stupid to decide for themselves. In such cases, 'Nanny State' should step in and tell them what to do?"


No, Im saying that some people make stupid decisions.




In the US, government interference (be it Federal or State government) is generally viewed as 'a bad thing'. 'The People' have a considerable say in both what is done and who does it. Far more posts are elected in the US than in the UK. Government is devolved as far as is possible.


'Government of the people, by the people, for the people.' (As opposed to the British system of 'Government of the people, by the government, for the government.')


Where I live, the people are about to elect the local Sheriff (Chief of Police) The district is rather smaller than Sheffield. When did you last have any say in who was the Senior Police Officer in Sheffield? - Let alone the Chief Constable of South Yorks Police?


Many Brits would accept that 'the government' should tell them who they are getting as the local boss of the police force without a murmur. "The government know best and they will provide." Whatever floats your boat. Try that in the US and you'd have a riot!




Actually, it doesn't come anywhere near 'reasoning' but let's address your comment about 'voter apathy':


Is there much of that in the UK?


Have there been any notable instances of voter apathy in the UK during the past few weeks?


How does the (nationwide) voter turnout for the recent local government elections in the UK (a bit more important overall then a vote on a single issue) compare to the voter turnout in North Carolina?


Can you show me where I have advocated that our system is more or less any better as a Harleyman type of gloat?


Question..why do you think NC got it wrong?

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