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North Carolina Ban Same Sex Unions

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Because you equated it with the topic...are you mad?






Tangent?? You accuse me of going off in a tangent..that's a bit rich. If I was to quote you on this thread regarding tangents SF would shut down because of bandwidth problems.


Why do you believe churches or religious institutions would be under threat:confused: and from who?




I don't have any problem with the right of vote, what I have a problem with is the issues and agendas on which a vote is taken. Tell me harleyman..before the vote was made possible who decided it should be up for a vote...and why?




Yes if you're anything other than a labour voter/candidate I would guess.





What's popular about restricting freedoms like basic equality, unless you get a kick out of being more equal than others.?


I dont know much about North Carolina but if the subject of the rights for gay couples to wed legally was put up for a vote then the measure must have had support from the gay community, the required number of signatures gathered to qualify it as a ballot measure and that's what happened.


There is a large percentage if African Americans among the NC population and being mainly a rural state more than likely many of them as well as the whites are members of some christian church or other and likely to oppose same sex marriage as being contrary to what the bible teaches.


In such a situation I couldnt see it being decided by any other means than a vote. Since the measure was defeated then that decison could be appealed before a superior court judge who in turn could rule it unconstituional and decide that same sex marriage is a right of existence.


I've lived here for years but I still find some things hard to understand. I dont see any sense in asking people to vote on something then a judge coming along and saying that it was wrong. It seems to be a whacky way of carrying on.... a waste of time... solves nothing and just goes on back and forth for ever but that's the way they do things here.


The only way this issue will be decided nationally is by an amendment to the constution. That's something that could take years. In the meantime it will be left for individual states to decide and just go on being kicked around between voters and judges


Anyway if you cannot understand any of this it's not my fault. North Carolina is NOT Sheffield

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It would seem North Carolina has a history of trying to dictate who can marry whom


Last time they banned interracial marriage, that was a democratic vote too, apparently that stayed on the statute until 1971, although the Supreme Court invalidated anti-miscegenation laws in 1967


The southern states were always very diferent from the rest of the states. Until the abolition of racial segregation a visitor from a northern state who was black would have been breaking the law and liable for arrest if he had taken a drink of water from a fountain marked "whites only" or taken a seat in front of a public transport bus instead of going to the back which was reserved for blacks. That's all gone of course but even today states have different laws governing everyday matters.

The speed limit in one state could be 75 MPH but when crossing state lines it could change to 65 MPH. You could buy a bottle of booze in some counties in a state yet in other counties you could not. In some cities you can make a right turn on a red light if traffic flow allows it to be done safely yet in another city you could end up with a ticket for doing the same. In Arizona you can carry a firearm but not in California unless you have a special permit to carry one.


That's just the way it is

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It's no secret that while scout leaders in general are decent men whose only desire is to help shape the development of young minds there have been cases where pervs have been attracted to the movement for the sole reason to be near young males for unhealthy reasons. Logic therefore points to homosexuallity

No, it points to paedophilia, if it were just homosexuality they'd be pursuing grown men.


Now tell me old fellah...

So why did you bring up paedophilia?


There was no mention of it prior to yours and it wasn't relevant to anything else in the thread.

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I dont know much about North Carolina but if the subject of the rights for gay couples to wed legally was put up for a vote then the measure must have had support from the gay community, the required number of signatures gathered to qualify it as a ballot measure and that's what happened.


There is a large percentage if African Americans among the NC population and being mainly a rural state more than likely many of them as well as the whites are members of some christian church or other and likely to oppose same sex marriage as being contrary to what the bible teaches.


In such a situation I couldnt see it being decided by any other means than a vote. Since the measure was defeated then that decison could be appealed before a superior court judge who in turn could rule it unconstituional and decide that same sex marriage is a right of existence.


I've lived here for years but I still find some things hard to understand. I dont see any sense in asking people to vote on something then a judge coming along and saying that it was wrong. It seems to be a whacky way of carrying on.... a waste of time... solves nothing and just goes on back and forth for ever but that's the way they do things here.


The only way this issue will be decided nationally is by an amendment to the constution. That's something that could take years. In the meantime it will be left for individual states to decide and just go on being kicked around between voters and judges


The problem is voters and judges are not being kicked around.


Anyway if you cannot understand any of this it's not my fault. North Carolina is NOT Sheffield


Of course I understand it..just because i understand doesn't mean I have to advocate it in any way or form..


You just seem to go all protective (you're like "Spike") and make it a UK/EU/ vUS thing.


As for Sheffield...I'll humour another "versus" jibe. No we're not, but we do have a few kicking around. Unless you were complimenting...sometimes its hard to figure out.

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Unbelievable, this comment from Tami says it all and demonstrates how far gays have to go..


"Tami Fitzgerald, chairwoman of Votes for Marriage NC, the main group behind the amendment, said: "We are not anti-gay, we are pro-marriage. The whole point is you don't rewrite the nature of God's design for marriage based on the demands of a group of adults."


I'm guessing gays aren't seeking to 'rewrite God's design', they just want to be able to choose to be legally bonded to one another. Why dont the religious zealots..Jews, Muslims, Christians and others keep their noses out of other folks business?


So you see absolutely no societal difference between an heterosexual couple formalizing an exclusive union legally and or religiously in order to form a family unit that generally includes bringing into existence the next generation of the aforementioned society on the one hand and a gay couple that fancy a party and a tax break on the other hand?


Should marriage be devalued even further perhaps?


Men marrying their own brothers to get a new tax code?


Women marrying their ponies because they are fond of them?

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Should marriage be devalued even further perhaps?

How would it be devalued?


Men marrying their own brothers to get a new tax code?

Why are you painting a picture of incest? Should men marrying their sisters get a new tax code?

Women marrying their ponies because they are fond of them?

...and now you're bringing bestiality into it, can't you just stay on topic?

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So you see absolutely no societal difference between an heterosexual couple formalizing an exclusive union legally [...] and a gay couple

No. No difference at all. A straight couple marrying doesn't affect me, and a gay couple marrying doesn't affect me. None of my business what either of them do.


I suspect the reason you omitted women marrying their brothers for tax is that it undermines your point. It's backwards and futile, but I suspect you knew that. You only have these odd arguments to back up your stance.

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Should marriage be devalued even further perhaps?


Men marrying their own brothers to get a new tax code?


Women marrying their ponies because they are fond of them?


So you're in agreement then? If a vote was passed that brother could marry brother for a tax break and a woman could hitch up with their pony you'd jump to the voters defense?


If marriage is being devalued so much (at present heterosexuals) maybe a bit of homosexuality or bestiality might be the answer. Let's have a vote eh?

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No. No difference at all. A straight couple marrying doesn't affect me, and a gay couple marrying doesn't affect me. None of my business what either of them do.


I suspect the reason you omitted women marrying their brothers for tax is that it undermines your point. It's backwards and futile, but I suspect you knew that. You only have these odd arguments to back up your stance.


Teenagers stabbing other teenagers to death in post code battles wouldn't affect you either.


One teenager killing another is none of your business is it?

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Teenagers stabbing other teenagers to death in post code battles wouldn't affect you either.


One teenager killing another is none of your business is it?

None of my personal business, no. The police may be interested though.


You've made a logical leap aswell. Two men marrying does not equate to murder. Try pedophilia next, that's another popular smear tactic.

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