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North Carolina Ban Same Sex Unions

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They dont need foreigners telling them how to run their affairs either
Good job the US keeps a low profile in world affairs and doesn't swagger around like Jack Palance in Shane.


Nobody is telling anyone how to do anything. We're just criticising a bunch of inbred, backward prejudiced rednecks! :hihi:

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I think the US needs to split into two countries. politically its inhabitants seem miles apart. let the 'south's go back to god fearing and gay bashing, while the rest get on with being progressive and see how they both fair.

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Good job the US keeps a low profile in world affairs and doesn't swagger around like Jack Palance in Shane.


Nobody is telling anyone how to do anything. We're just criticising a bunch of inbred, backward prejudiced rednecks! :hihi:


So just because they dont happen to fall in line with your Euro "progressive liberally enlightened" culture and still have the right to express their decison by popular vote you dismiss them as such?


Maybe you all ought to concentrate more on sorting out your huge economic mess and less time worrying about "l'affairs d'amour" :hihi: :hihi:

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I think the US needs to split into two countries. politically its inhabitants seem miles apart. let the 'south's go back to god fearing and gay bashing, while the rest get on with being progressive and see how they both fair.


We dont need you suggesting how to run the country. We've managed quite well since kicking out King George awhile back.


If anyone in America dared to voice an opinion on European affairs they would soon be told to mind their own business in short order. Works both ways

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The country is skint, 20,000 police demonstrating in London, the Libyans are slaughtering their populace daily, kids are starving and dying of treatable diseases the weather is crap, all you want to do is bang on about people who love each other formalising their relationships.



Ps ( 67 year old str8 bloke 2 kids 2 grandkids). Never been gay dont want to be.

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So just because they dont happen to fall in line with your Euro "progressive liberally enlightened" culture and still have the right to express their decison by popular vote you dismiss them as such?


Maybe you all ought to concentrate more on sorting out your huge economic mess and less time worrying about "l'affairs d'amour" :hihi: :hihi:

I'm not worried about their "l'affairs d'amour". I don't live in America. You do however. You should be concerned that your countrymen are so contemptuous of the Constitution, the Bill Of Rights and just plain human decency.


Its always telling with our American friends on the board. The slightest criticism of anything in America and you all get incredibly defensive but you spend your whole time on this board criticising the rest of the world with impunity. You do understand that America is not snowy white and blameless? It is possible to criticise it. America isn't this Olympus of blameless decisions where they should be beyond reproach.


This decision stinks. Its appalling, not just because it doesn't fit in with some Euro "progressive liberally enlightened" culture you seem to believe exists but because its just wrong. It sets gay people below straight people. How about preventing white people marrying black people would that be ok? Or blacks marrying hispanics, would that be ok? Its no less discriminatory than what this ruling is.


Lets not forget what this ruling is. Its not marriage, its a legal partnership of any kind. Gay partners can't enjoy any legal protection. You agree this is fair and right? You want your gay countrymen to be second class citizens? Lets hope none of your family are gay and settle in NC or any of the other states that adhere to this ruling. They will be knackered. Still, never mind. Salute the flag, that'll help.

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The country is skint, 20,000 police demonstrating in London, the Libyans are slaughtering their populace daily, kids are starving and dying of treatable diseases the weather is crap, all you want to do is bang on about people who love each other formalising their relationships.



Ps ( 67 year old str8 bloke 2 kids 2 grandkids). Never been gay dont want to be.

Thats not true, i'm going away for the weekend tomorrow :D
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The country is skint, 20,000 police demonstrating in London, the Libyans are slaughtering their populace daily, kids are starving and dying of treatable diseases the weather is crap, all you want to do is bang on about people who love each other formalising their relationships.



Ps ( 67 year old str8 bloke 2 kids 2 grandkids). Never been gay dont want to be.


PS 48 year old straight woman 2 stepsons 5 grandchildren, no-one is forcing you to be....


as I said above, I want to see my gay friends enjoy the same rights in their commitment to their loved-one as I have with my other half.

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I'm not worried about their "l'affairs d'amour". I don't live in America. You do however. You should be concerned that your countrymen are so contemptuous of the Constitution, the Bill Of Rights and just plain human decency.


Its always telling with our American friends on the board. The slightest criticism of anything in America and you all get incredibly defensive but you spend your whole time on this board criticising the rest of the world with impunity. You do understand that America is not snowy white and blameless? It is possible to criticise it. America isn't this Olympus of blameless decisions where they should be beyond reproach.


This decision stinks. Its appalling, not just because it doesn't fit in with some Euro "progressive liberally enlightened" culture you seem to believe exists but because its just wrong. It sets gay people below straight people. How about preventing white people marrying black people would that be ok? Or blacks marrying hispanics, would that be ok? Its no less discriminatory than what this ruling is.


Lets not forget what this ruling is. Its not marriage, its a legal partnership of any kind. Gay partners can't enjoy any legal protection. You agree this is fair and right? You want your gay countrymen to be second class citizens? Lets hope none of your family are gay and settle in NC or any of the other states that adhere to this ruling. They will be knackered. Still, never mind. Salute the flag, that'll help.


Again it doesnt matter what you think. A vote was taken and the decision thus respected.


How many times have i read posts on the forum bellyaching about the UK government not allowing it's voters to decide on it's future in the EU? I'll bet a few million of you wish they had the right to vote on it but your politicians say "nothing doing... it aint gonna happen"


The right to vote is the foundation of all democratic process. We are lucky enough here to be able to vote on more issues than just political elections which is way ahead of what voters in the UK have the right to do.


Presdent Obama and Vice President Biden have just expressed their support for gay marriage. I have no axe to grind with that. They are just exercising their right to free speech under the Constitution. The Constitution however does not state anything about the right of same sex couples to be legally wed. Whether an amendment will be added to it in the future remains to be seen but it will be decided by a concensus of opinion and debate in the Supreme Court and not by politicians and other individuals forcing their personal views on the rest of the the citizenry

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The Constitution however does not state anything about the right of same sex couples to be legally wed. Whether an amendment will be added to it in the future remains to be seen but it will be decided by a concensus of opinion and debate in the Supreme Court and not by politicians and other individuals forcing their personal views on the rest of the the citizenry
The Constitution doesn't have to specifically say single sex couples can have a legal relationship. The Constitution doesn't specifically say that mixed sex couples can get married and have a legal relationship does it?


The Constitution says plenty of things you just gloss over and ignore and take on for yourselves over there. The most common one being the right to bear arms.


A bit of common sense might go a long way on this.

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