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North Carolina Ban Same Sex Unions

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I hardly count the provocation of Arab militants and numerous episodes in Vietnam ,the Middle East,and Latin American as smart.The needless bombing of Japan exposed the callousness of the USA,Pearl Harbour its naivite,Ronald Reagan its gullibilty.The USA is the most inward looking nation,and most Americans cannot identify three other countries from their shape,one being the USA.


Where do you get that last piece of rubbish from? The Daily Mail I'll bet :hihi:


The origins of America's thrust into world affairs date back a hundred years much of it due to Europe.


Until the first world war the US involved itself mainly with affairs on it's own doorstep such as the Spanish wars in Cuba and Puerto Rica and Pancho Villa's forays across the border from Mexico


Then along comes World War One and all the European nations are busily slaughtering and squandering their brightest hopes by the millions in a silly war started by old men with big moustaches and comic opera uniforms


Woodrow Wilson sends a couple of million troops to help out and the Germans realizing they're now hoplessly outnumbered and also starving to death throw in the towel.


America then becomes isolationist and leaves Europe to it's own device.


Then along comes World War 2 and Churchill is desperate for American intervention. Luckily he gets a big break when Hitler invades Russia and Japan bombs Pearl Harbour


The shooting ends and the Cold war begins. The former colonial powers are not capable of defending themselves against Communist expansion yet alone being able to hold onto their colonies in Asia so America by default becomes the major western power.


The succession of circumstances caused by European conflicts was therefore basically the origin of it all.


Had the Europeans been able to live in harmony side by side instead of indulging in wars based on self interest and nationism the US might have conceivably remained a large non military prosperous nation involved only in trade and commerce with the rest of the world instead of stumbling into the mess left by the colonials in their glory days in Indo China and the middle east.

Yes mistakes were made and the cost was high but it was mistakes made by a country that until 70 years ago had no history of involvement in foreign countries seething with post colonial unrest.


Dont even talk about Japan and the A bomb. You dont know enough. You just include it in rants that are standard fare among people like you.

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Obama's problem is his Vice President Joe Biden. Biden has a history of running off at the mouth and causing embarassment in various quarters.

His latest statement of a few days ago advocating gay marriage put Obama on the spot. You cant have a VP voicing one opinion and a President remaining mute in response. This gives the impression that he disagrees with what his VP thinks and the press always with an ear close to the White House and it's doings willI make a big issue out of it


I dont know what Obama really thinks about gay marriage. On that issue he chose to stay quiet which was probably the best policy on such a sensitive subject but now he's had to speak.


It could impact him negatively as a large segment of church going blacks as well as their white counterparts will view this unfavourably and then the Hispanic voters who are traditionally Catholic and conservative on family issues may not even bother to vote for him at all.


Obama needs to summon Biden to the White House, give him a severe ear slapping then try and dump him and replace him with Hillary Clinton


I didn't know about the Vice President, I saw part of the interview with Obama on the main news yesterday.The same thing occurred to me as what you say,the potential loss of support from black communities next time and Hispanic voters, but not all of them of course,some religious people are quite forward thinking.

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Where do you get that last piece of rubbish from? The Daily Mail I'll bet :hihi:


The origins of America's thrust into world affairs date back a hundred years much of it due to Europe.


Until the first world war the US involved itself mainly with affairs on it's own doorstep such as the Spanish wars in Cuba and Pureto Rica and Pancho Villas forays acroos the border.


Then along comes World War One and all the European nations are busily slaughtering and squandering their brightest hopes by the millions in a silly war started by old men with big moustaches and comic opera uniforms


Woodrow Wilson sends a couple of million troops to help out and the Germans realizing they're now hoplessly outnumbered and also starving to death throw in the towel.


America then becomes isolationist and leaves Europe to it's own device.


Then along comes World War 2 and Churchill is desperate for American intervention. Luckily he gets a big break when Hitler invades Russia and Japan bombs Pearl Harbour


The shooting ends and the Cold war begins. The former colonial powers are not capable of defending themselves against Communist expansion yet alone being able to hold onto their colonies in Asia so America by default becomes the major western power.


The succession of circumstances caused by European conflicts was therefore basically the origin of it all.


Had the Europeans been able to live in harmony side by side instead of indulging in wars based on self interest and nationism the US might have conceivably remained a large non military properous nation involved only in trade and commerce with the rest of the world instead of stumbling into the mess left by the colonials in their glory days in Indo China and the middle east.

Yes mistakes were made and the cost was high but it was mistakes made by a country that until 70 years ago had no history of involvement in foreign countries seething with post colonial unrest.

Was this because it was liquidating the indigenous population and expanding through the acquisition of arizona etc.:)

Dont even talk about Japan and the A bomb. You dont know enough. You just include it in rants that are standard fare among people like you.

Generalisation is tantamount to evasion.The data about the three countries was posted in the NYT,and was later cited in a Yale speech-I get regular podcasts from ex-students.

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The popular vote is the right of every citizen and the voters passed the ban with 61 percent in favour of the ban. The people therefore have spoken.
If 61% of people voted to exile all black people, would you just accept it?


No I think not, democracy is not, and was certainly not intended by the founding fathers of the US to be mob rule, the tyranny of the majority. There are supposed to be checks and balances to prevent this kind of persecution. That whole stick about 'equal rights for all' seems to cover it pretty well but NC seems to not be too concerned about that.


They dont need foreigners telling them how to run their affairs either
In this case, they clearly do, they need everyone to tell them how stupid it is.
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They can believe it wrong until the cows come home. At no point does the legal status of another person's relationship affect any else's life, and there is no sensible reason for stopping them. No vote can ever justify the denial of liberty.


This will go to the Supreme Court, no doubt about it.


And if the right of same sex marriage happens I have no axe to grind. I just hate it when people start sucking their thumbs and throwing hissy fits when voters express their rights to decide on an issue and the decison doesnt agree with their opinion


In the meantime Gays dont rule the world and they dont have the right to stampede over everyone else's opinions.

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The country is skint [ and other reasons and ...] all you want to do is bang on about people who love each other formalising their relationships.



I read this earlier and must say, it's one of your lowest points. You were scraping the barrel with awful-bile the other day (I read the ones that got deleted), but this is amongst them.


Let us list some awful things that have nothing to do with anything, and then use that to justify silencing opinions. Heaven forbid you follow your logic any further into your 'hobbies'. People are starving but you still have energy to attack muslims and Gordon Brown every day. Your ignorant and ugly views repulse me.

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I just hate it when people start sucking their thumbs and throwing hissy fits when voters express their rights to decide on an issue and the decison doesnt agree with their opinion.

Some things have no reason to be democratic. Your opinion has no control on who your neighbour can have sex with or settle down with. End of. Very simple ideal.

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If 61% of people voted to exile all black people, would you just accept it?


No I think not, democracy is not, and was certainly not intended by the founding fathers of the US to be mob rule, the tyranny of the majority. There are supposed to be checks and balances to prevent this kind of persecution. That whole stick about 'equal rights for all' seems to cover it pretty well but NC seems to not be too concerned about that.


In this case, they clearly do, they need everyone to tell them how stupid it is.


Stupid to you maybe but not to a country far different from the UK. Anyway has gay marriage become legal in the UK yet? If not, why not? I'm out of touch

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Yes mistakes were made and the cost was high but it was mistakes made by a country that until 70 years ago had no history of involvement in foreign countries seething with post colonial unrest.


Well sure, that's if you don't count the many wars with the various native tribes of North America, and the continued meddling in Mexico and lets not forget the Phillipines, involvement in wars with Japan in the latter 18th century, some serious meddling in China (along with Britain and just about everyone else), interference in the Cuban civil war, the the list goes on and on and on.


The US was all about meddling in other countries from long before world war 2, that's just what gave her the opportunity to become the world leader at it.

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Stupid to you maybe but not to a country far different from the UK. Anyway has gay marriage become legal in the UK yet? If not, why not? I'm out of touch


You really can't help yourself can you. I'm not in any way nationalistic, I'm not championing the UK as the perfect state, there's a lot I would change. This isn't about nationalism at all, I don't even think it reflects the whole of the US, it's only one state.


How about you actually try addressing the point I made instead of trying to turn this into a 'US vs UK' thread.

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