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Which race of men are the most attractive?

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My ideal man would be white (but tanned) with jet black hair, stubble, bright blue or green eyes, lovely teeth, big hands, tall, toned, with a nice bum and an Irish accent :) Not that I'm picky or owt :D


I could fake the irish accent!

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My husband is late middle age, about 5ft 7in, grey hair, slightly rotund:hihi:

but he is absolutely adorable, I love him just as he is. He makes me laugh so much, and I feel safe, secure and very loved with him.


However - and you knew there was going to be one - if I were ever to get fed up of him, or he me. My ideal man would be Richard Osman the chap with the statistics on the tea time quiz Pointless.

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@curriechick - in all seriousness, I think thats one of the most appealing things about a man of any race, a good sense of humour. Peoples looks don't make a relationship, and I think you can get through most things in life if you can find amusing aspects in a problem. You're very lucky :)

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