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Government snooping of all your internet useage set to go ahead

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I’m not a criminal or a terrorist so why does it matter if they know about my online activity. I occasionally slag the government off, and I’m happy for them to read what I have to say about them.:D


What I say to someone on the phone it is between me and them unless I give permission for them to record or others to listen into the call.

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What I say to someone on the phone it is between me and them unless I give permission for them to record or others to listen into the call.


They don't plan to record the conversation; they just plan to keep a record of who you call.


Security officials point out they only want to be able to find out when a call was made and to whom – not what was said.
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They don't plan to record the conversation; they just plan to keep a record of who you call.


its still my privilege to disclose who I speak to.


I tell you what, I will be happy for this information to be available to the government once they are transparent and log everything they do so we the electorate can scrutinise their dealings.

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Just to show this proposal is Not An Original Idea by HM.Governments consider this:

We have a Data Retention Directive, otherwise known as Directive 2006/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006


This is the directive which requires member states to oblige providers of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks to retain traffic and location data for between six months and two years for the purpose of the investigation, detection and prosecution of serious crime.


And didn't the EU commission last year start a review of the rules, with a view to proposing an improved legal framework? Followed by a proposal for a comprehensive reform of the system.


Then, a few months later, up pops the UK (Labour) government with some proposals of its own. Are we supposed to believe this is a complete coincidence? Does anyone believe that, with data retention being an occupied field, the British government is working entirely independently, and has not consulted with the commission on this?


Yup: it seems our Mother of All Parliaments-aka EU regional government-is simply obeying the instructions of its puppet-masters. Well, what a surprise. :unsure:


Can we leave yet?

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Nobody on here too bothered about all their emails and web activity being looked at by this government then?


Not really no. Most people think what I find interesting is tediously boring to them. So if they've got the patience to read my emails to other tediously boring people I take my hat off to them.


The only thing I can see coming out of this that is negative is that they'd sell my interests off to commercial companies for advertising. As I don't allow myself to be swayed by such things and only buy what I need when I need it I can't see it affecting me at all, I'd give them the info if they asked anyway.

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Meh, it's in the Daily Fail, therefore I don't care :rolleyes:


I send about 3 emails a week if that, and if Dave Cameron wants to look at the content, he can bloody well be my guest! I have nothing to hide.

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Having nothing to hide is a terrible excuse to give up your privacy. Would you let the government install cameras in your house because you aren't a terrorist?


No, but that's not quite the same as them being able to see who you're sending emails to and what you're looking at on the internet.


I would suggest anyone who thinks it is the same has some paranoia issues.

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