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Schools are deliberately failing to correct spelling mistakes.

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Hey Buck.


Don't get me wrong here; I'm not complaining about the American influences, just acknowledging their presence. I don't have anything to "get over".

I wasn't being serious. I don't know if you've ever ben around for one of those "I hate Americanisms" threads, but they're hilarious, especially the folks who say "I can't bear them".
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I wouldn't give a job to anyone who can't spell. To me it shows that they can't be bothered to learn their own language properly so they aren't likely to learn to do a job properly.


It didn't do the likes of Richard Branson, Henry Ford, Tom Cruise, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison and many more any harm.

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I wasn't being serious. I don't know if you've ever ben around for one of those "I hate Americanisms" threads, but they're hilarious, especially the folks who say "I can't bear them".


I know. Small town mentality. I've seen plenty of that in the US too, though. Some Americanisms get my goat, too, but I am a fan of plenty of others. I admire the to-the-point-ness of a lot of American terms, particularly those on street signs.




Love it.

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Why are you using the 'wrong' apostrophe?

`!= '


Because I got into the habit years ago, and, since it make no difference whatsoever to the understanding of the text (most people can`t tell the difference anyway), I can`t be arsed to change.

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That can't be true, I'm less than 40 and my spelling and grammar were corrected at school. I remember taking home spelling slips and having to practice them, no phonetic nonsense.


Me too, we had progressively harder spelling competitions. You would get a list of maybe 50 spellings that you had to learn and then we got a written test. They were lots of fun to a kid, trying to beat your friends and get through the most tests (if you got a percentage correct you could move on to the next one). I think the teacher started to regret the idea when we really started to get competitive about it and stormed through the tests so he had to make new ones evey week.:D


Seeing a spelling correction on your work was never detrimental to your self esteem, it just drew your attention to it and showed you the correct way to spell it for the next time you used the word. It also means I don't need to use spelling checkers which I still can't default to UK English or the completely rubbish auto correct options in word.


I have never been good at grammar though, we didn't really get taught it that much until we started learning french and german. Nearly all the grammar I know is through reading.


The combination of text speak, not correcting spellings at school and phonetics explains a lot actually!

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I forgot to mention, though it`s probably obvious, the spelling is often an absolute joke. These people who can`t be arsed to check their spelling and grammar should send some payment with all their letters and E Mails to pay for our time having to decipher their coded communications.......


why decipher them? Surely its the easiest way to cut the applicant list down-bin immediately!

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