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Schools are deliberately failing to correct spelling mistakes.

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Teachers dont have to be "hard" on spelling, as in, tell kids off or humiliate them for their mistakes, but any spelling mistakes a child makes should be brought to the childs attention.


Sorry to get political but if this is going on it is highly likely that it is in the local authorities that are run by the more left-leaning element of the Labour party which does have a history of being overly concerned with perceived self-esteem issues in children rather than trying to encourage them to be the best they can be academically and in sport etc.


Certain simple errors can be corrected but the misspelling of a complex word need not be corrected.moreover it is giving teachers a great deal more to do when marking work-perhaps thats the hidden agenda ?

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Actually no, because they do most of their work on a computer which has a spellchecker which I admit has limitations but in general as all children have access they should be able to spell better than my generation but they can't - why do you think that is?


Also you have made one or two faux pas' on your post:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Faux pas are my speciality and always feature on my menus-I imagine you are more of a dumpling person:love:

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I think you might be mistaking an online forum for an educational establishment.


Here it's pedantry to correct every typo, missed apostrophe or lack of punctuation. In a school it's exactly what is needed in order to actually teach. Obviously the level of correction will vary, I doubt that a teacher would get far in explaining the use of the apostrophe to a five year old, and if a document was filled with errors then more might be gained by only pointing out the most glaring. But to not correct at all is to fail to educate.


Whats is an educational establishment-over our way we call this a school:rant:

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Certain simple errors can be corrected but the misspelling of a complex word need not be corrected.


I dont see why not.


moreover it is giving teachers a great deal more to do when marking work-perhaps thats the hidden agenda ?


"A great deal more to do"?! sure teachers have lots to do but teaching children to spell correctly should be a high priority surely.

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I'm not sure if you are crossing wires, but I can point you to several teachers whose spelling is a disgrace.


I didn't dispute that, I was saying that it can't be true that for 40 years spelling has not been corrected as I was at school within the past 40 years and spelling was being taught and corrected.

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