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Advice needed on smart car problem

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At which point did i say i didnt believe facts i said id give it a wide birth as in my opinion (which isnt fact) i believe its a dangerous car due to the fact its too small if your hit head on if you can find me information clearly showing if your hit head on by another car at 70mph you will come out with a chance of survival i will admit im wrong.


Errrrr im sorry to burst your bubble here, but 1 of the ncap tests IS a head on crash, ALL cars have to go through the same tests.....ooops your fail!!!

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Excuse me but you was the only who entered into a discussion that doesnt concern you so why dont you sod off and bother someone else.


i chose to enter this thread, for the same reason you did....your point being?

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Im sorry to burst your bubble here aswell but show the Ncap report that shows if your hit head on by a range rover you will come out with a chance of survival?


Errrrr im sorry to burst your bubble here, but 1 of the ncap tests IS a head on crash, ALL cars have to go through the same tests.....ooops your fail!!!
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At which point did i say i didnt believe facts i said id give it a wide birth as in my opinion (which isnt fact) i believe its a dangerous car due to the fact its too small if your hit head on if you can find me information clearly showing if your hit head on by another car at 70mph you will come out with a chance of survival i will admit im wrong.


If you believe the car to be dangerous, then by definition you DON'T believe the facts.

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My point being how can you say "you carry on in your own little world and leave the rest of is people alone then" why i didnt actually request your input on the matter so it should be yourself that as i said should go away.


i chose to enter this thread, for the same reason you did....your point being?
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Im sorry to burst your bubble here aswell but show the Ncap report that shows if your hit head on by a range rover you will come out with a chance of survival?


well if you want an exact model of car.....and year....and colour probably lol, then contact ncap and tell them that their tests are flawed, im sure that they will be very interested in your opinions!!!

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The thing is i dont care if there interested or not if im honest the point i wish to make is that from my point of view they are dangerous because to me i look at it this way......if i had kids and my daughter came upto me and said dad i have a new boyfriend and he drives a smart car i cant say id be happy simply because as i said your hit head on by another car your coming out as a stew.


well if you want an exact model of car.....and year....and colour probably lol, then contact ncap and tell them that their tests are flawed, im sure that they will be very interested in your opinions!!!
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My point being how can you say "you carry on in your own little world and leave the rest of is people alone then" why i didnt actually request your input on the matter so it should be yourself that as i said should go away.


because you decided to tell everyone that every test carried out both by tv and ncap are wrong and in fact YOU are right, i thought that this was highly amusing and breathtaking in your arrogance even when presented with proof to the contrary, so i decided that as its a free country i would comment, or is that not allowed in your world either?

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