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PIP breast implants?

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The star ran a story today about women saving up for implant removal. It was heart-rending. And doesn't seem to have a solution.

Then an idea hit me that may possibly be the closest I've ever come to genius.

Free NHS implants for every woman over 30!

Then there's no worries about who gets them and people faking mental illness to get gps to sign them onto the waiting list and less health problems from them bursting, a fall in depression and suicide rates.....

Women would be happier, more confident, able "to find clothes that fit" them...

Men would have renewed interest and vigour. Going home every night to a happy wife and a pair of doubleDs, imagine the increased work output.

The upsides just go on and on.

Happier couples, less divorces, all in all a much nicer place to live.

Definitely raise moral and stop people worrying about an imaginary deficit problem.

Forget socialism vs capitalism and all that other nonsense. All for boobs and boobs for all.

The extra cost would be massively offset by the amount of tourism it attracted and the new found happy cohesion in society.

Sheffield could lead the way.


Welcome to Norkfield. You'll never leave......:)

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I think the NHS should remove the faulty ones at no cost to the woman. Its a health issue and the women can't be made to suffer because of someone elses dodgy work..


I believe they already do, they just won't replace them with new ones.

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and then it will move onto something else like botox every 6 months ............and so on


Missing the point completely. No one will ever notice wrinkles if my plan is implemented.


And to the poster suggesting counselling: how many hours would be required to bring about the type of utopia that my idea would? Surely the costs would be comparable.


And if it is a body dismorphia condition then why not make everyone ample up top?


I'm not suggesting women are only depressed because they don't have huge boobs or that it would bring about world peace, but it would be a good start :)



And the guy who suggested moob reductions. Also missing the point. Bigger is better. Even in men.






Welcome to Norkfield. You'll never leave..........:)

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