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Work Programme..

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so i went to job centre yesterday for my review to go on the work programme. heres me thinking something good may come out of it. ye they only gone and bleeding sent me on the work programme for a4e ant they :rant:


i went there last year and they was of no help at all. they was the most useless, dissrespectfull people i have ever met. the place was so depressing it was unreal.


does anyone else go there now on the work programm and if so, whats it like now?

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I was referred on the 22nd March this year and I am still waiting for A4E to contact me to start they were not much help last time so I don't expect a lot this time if they ever get round to contacting me


Ye they are pathetic, the amount of useless courses they sent me on was rediculous.


They just dint care, they made me sign up with these job sites and I ended up with at least 80+ emails a day from these sites.


I really got fed up with them.

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Couldn't agree more. I went for my work focussed interview with loan parent team last Tues, and asked about courses I could do to help me find a job. I was told that because I have good qualifications, plus Level 2 National Adult passes, no-one would offer me anything. Thing is, I got these years ago. I wanted to show future employers I was being proactive, but it seems my only choice is to go back to college. But I need to work, desperately!

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The govt has drastically cut funding for colleges so now there's very little on offer for adults, which is so shortsighted. To compete in the jobs market you need to update your skills and from what I'm hearing about this work programme, the only 'work' taking place is you the client having to contact as many potential employees as possible. (in which case, why is someone else receiving the funding for your effort?). Crackers

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Couldn't agree more. I went for my work focussed interview with loan parent team last Tues, and asked about courses I could do to help me find a job. I was told that because I have good qualifications, plus Level 2 National Adult passes, no-one would offer me anything. Thing is, I got these years ago. I wanted to show future employers I was being proactive, but it seems my only choice is to go back to college. But I need to work, desperately!


They want you to fund it yourself, take on a student loan that hangs round your neck for years til the debt is paid off.

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HalFwits you mean. There is an F in the middle. :hihi:.




I have mixed opinions on the jobcentre.. which aren't all nice.


Been on the work program a while now and don't really have much bad to say about it so far really

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I have worked in the welfare to work sector for several years mow and have worked for orgainsations like A4e. I actually opened a few branches ready for the work program ( managing these offices) now I am unemployed myself!!! I have also attended my Job centre to sign on, they know me as a manager and I will be attending the workprogram myself in June if I dont find employment, for me thats imbarrissing as they will know me!!!


It is hard out there, Ive been unemployed for over 2 weeks, now skint!! and have applyed for 90 jobs and nothing!!!


For the people on this thread who are looking for training....Yes there are companies out there and you can do them.

Comanies that are doing training in sheffield for the unemployed are..The Source, Talent training, System training, also contact Barnsley college as they have the full list in Sheffield....There is also a large peice of funding at the Job centres, so if you find the course thats suits you they will now fund this!!

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