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How on earth do some women (stunners) remain single all their lives?

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How on earth do some women in their 40s end up single and never married despite the fact they are stunning?


On a works do a couple last night, in our group were 2 both in their early 40s, absolutely stunning, clearly keep in shape, have very good jobs, do lots of travelling, smashing knockers and have plenty of spare cash.


They go on lots of holidays, so must come into contact with men, I'd imagine on a beach holiday would cause quite stir, they have good jobs and must come into contact with men and as they socialise would also come into contact with men.


Yet both appeared to have spent years on dating sites (as they were chatting about this) and never got anywhere. I can understand a dumpy, spotty 42 year old woman remaining on the shelf, but how the hell do stunners end up on the shelf?

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Maybe they havn't found their ideal man, they seem to have made the effort but if they are looking for someone compatible it's maybe not that easy, as you say they have an enviable lifestyle they may find the men can't keep up, are dull, or have let themselves go - they seem happy but how many attractive guys do you notice even when out and around ladies - very few probably:D (especially over 45)

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Being attractive doesn't stop them being a pain in the arse.


Amen. Not only that, career people have very little time, in more ways than one, for themselves let alone anyone else. Listen to them, it's always I, I ,I or me, me, me.

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How on earth do some women in their 40s end up single and never married despite the fact they are stunning?


On a works do a couple last night, in our group were 2 both in their early 40s, absolutely stunning, clearly keep in shape, have very good jobs, do lots of travelling, smashing knockers and have plenty of spare cash.


They go on lots of holidays, so must come into contact with men, I'd imagine on a beach holiday would cause quite stir, they have good jobs and must come into contact with men and as they socialise would also come into contact with men.


Yet both appeared to have spent years on dating sites (as they were chatting about this) and never got anywhere. I can understand a dumpy, spotty 42 year old woman remaining on the shelf, but how the hell do stunners end up on the shelf?


Perhaps all the men they come into contact with are numpties that seem more impressed with their great knockers than their personalities and they don't want to settle for less then they deserve so choose to stay single until Mr Right comes along.

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Slightly different, but why do people think its abnormal to be single?

Im in my 30s, and I get so fed up of people saying things like 'I cant believe youre single'.




Im not saying if my ideal man came along Id send him packing, but for now I like spending my free time with my friends :)

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Most men prefer women who are attractive without being glamorous. The real top looking totty is the prey of the wolf. No man wants to spend his life continually batting them off. It is better to get a fat ugly bird who can cook.:hihi:


I'm sure your missus will be thrilled with your logic! :rolleyes:

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Awww....you can't find a man who will have you!


Never mind lovey, one will come along some day.:)


Maybe she could pile on a few pounds and if she's really lucky she could bag a corker just like you???

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