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How on earth do some women (stunners) remain single all their lives?

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At last!!


heaves maidenly sigh


Okay thats that sorted, Ill drop my ironing off later and can you pop over in the morning and clean my house. Oh beds need changing and will you mow lawn. Ill be home about 6.00pm. Run me a bath and I'll have my dinner when I get out. Cook me something healthy please. Guinness? Bring some and put them in the fridge.....xx


I love being engaged, its so romantic...x

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Okay thats that sorted, Ill drop my ironing off later and can you pop over in the morning and clean my house. Oh beds need changing and will you mow lawn. Ill be home about 6.00pm. Run me a bath and I'll have my dinner when I get out. Cook me something healthy please. Guinness? Bring some and put them in the fridge.....xx


I love being engaged, its so romantic...x


In your dreams, I want thrilling not killing;)

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I`m happily single too. But then again I couldn`t possibly marry a woman that would go out with a bloke like me! I`ve got certain standards you know!


How would a flag collection have any bearing on your ability to attract and keep a woman?

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could it be that they are confident enough in themselves, and have enough selef-worth that they aren't defined by being in a relationship?


This is how single women are seen. If its a man though he's usually seen as a bit of a reject...:suspect:

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Most men can have any women that they wish to have. It is merely that most men cannot be bothered to make the extra effort.:D


So tell us how you lost 6 stone, put on 15 inch in height and rectified the curly yellow teeth?

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The honest truth is, something goes wrong along the way. Then you go through a series of unsuitables.

Then you have a break, I'm fine on my own attitude ...

Then suddenly you are over 35. This is the crucial age.


Women - 35-40 seen as desperate to have kids - to be avoided like the plague.

0ver 40 untouchable/ too old.Sorry love, the countdown clock has finished.


Go on a typical dating site.

Men of 45 want a 20 year old:hihi:

Men of 42.... want someone 25-32. With the odd one who will go to 35.

Men in their 30's - still live with mother. Want another mother figure. But she's got to be 25-30.

Men of 25-30 want someone 20-25.

There's the odd ball who wants to date 18-70 year olds and is "up for great fun, no strings attached babes"


Honestly, on a popular dating site, without taking into account interests and hobbies and looks, I've got 5 mutual matches in the entire country. :help:


I am sure there are some good ones out there but I've yet to meet them.


The majority who contact me are in their mid 50's +. Whilst I try not to be ageist, as I still like going to gigs, clubbing and stuff, I can't imagine that they do when they put I like relaxing at home with a nice bottle of wine...yawn.


I've now come to the conclusion that I'm going to be single forever or at least until I get to the old folk's home.

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The honest truth is, something goes wrong along the way. Then you go through a series of unsuitables.

Then you have a break, I'm fine on my own attitude ...

Then suddenly you are over 35. This is the crucial age.


Women - 35-40 seen as desperate to have kids - to be avoided like the plague.

0ver 40 untouchable/ too old.Sorry love, the countdown clock has finished.


Go on a typical dating site.

Men of 45 want a 20 year old:hihi:

Men of 42.... want someone 25-32. With the odd one who will go to 35.

Men in their 30's - still live with mother. Want another mother figure. But she's got to be 25-30.

Men of 25-30 want someone 20-25.

There's the odd ball who wants to date 18-70 year olds and is "up for great fun, no strings attached babes"


Honestly, on a popular dating site, without taking into account interests and hobbies and looks, I've got 5 mutual matches in the entire country. :help:


I am sure there are some good ones out there but I've yet to meet them.


The majority who contact me are in their mid 50's +. Whilst I try not to be ageist, as I still like going to gigs, clubbing and stuff, I can't imagine that they do when they put I like relaxing at home with a nice bottle of wine...yawn.


I've now come to the conclusion that I'm going to be single forever or at least until I get to the old folk's home.


What's happenned to grab a granny nights like they used to have at Roxy. Now I want a granny to grab they're all in the Leadmill listening to The Arctic Monkeys..


Try Tesco's on a Thursday night. I'm usually there, I have a trolley full of things I think women would like. Lambrini, maltesers, moisteriser, lipstick. But still I'm a lonely figure at the checkout...:(:hihi:

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