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Which language is more beneficial to learn; French or German?

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Does she not have a choice of other languages like Spanish, Japanese or Chinese? All of them would be significantly more useful than French or German in the future, although French would get you around quite a large proportion of Africa as well as France, just like Spanish would get you round much of South America and lots of the southern US states too.

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Does she not have a choice of other languages like Spanish, Japanese or Chinese? All of them would be significantly more useful than French or German in the future, although French would get you around quite a large proportion of Africa as well as France, just like Spanish would get you round much of South America and lots of the southern US states too.


I did Spanish at School, hated every second of the lessons (mostly cos the teacher was a grumpy old git who didn't like me) and 20 years later I've forgotten nearly all of it, just get reminders from watching Manuel on Fawlty Towers! :P


If there's one language I want to learn though it's definitely Japanese, not entirely sure why, I just really like it for some reason.

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For purely business purposes, if given the choice of any language I would go for Russian and out of French or German I would probably go for German. More people speak French as it's the first or only language taught in many schools so there may well be a smaller pool of German speakers vying for the jobs. While it used to be the case that Germans would speak English in business meetings that is apparently changing now.

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If you are learning just to pass an exam French is easier. If you are learning to enhance job prospects German is more useful. Most northern European languages are Germanic based. One thing I learned is that if you go to the areas of Europe where the Germans go on holiday the locals will have learned German. I got by in Italy by speaking German. Bizarre.

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French is a wise choice if one is planning on going into the diplomatic service or impressing dinner guests when ordering wine.

My choice would be Mandarin Chinese. As China continues to become a huge trading partner with the rest of the world there will be a definite demand for people as intrerpreters but most students in China are studying English anyway these days.

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