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If something is in a skip and you take it should that be against the law?

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My friends got arrested and their van seized by police because they took some scrap metal out of a skip ready to go.

The person who owns the skip wants to press charges I don't think this person should have a right to do that or do anything to get my friends into trouble because I say if its in a skip and its outside no one wants what's in it because its been chucked out.

People collect scrap for money and it helps the enviroment dole isn't enough or any other payments govourment are soo tight :P what's your opinion?


I think this is absolutely right, theft is theft and that applies to metal, tax and government payouts. I hope we see this happening more.

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Knock on the door of an empty council house :'o and yes that is the story and what I meant is the person who hired the skip wanted to press charges


some people can be so petty these days eh?, skips are for rubbish, so whether someone is putting stuff in or taking it out to recycle, does it really matter?, better to skip it than illegal dumping in my opinion, :roll:

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Not only is he stealing other people's property for his own monetary gain, but as you said in your OP, he's claiming JSA whilst techically he's self-employed and working so he should also be looking at a benefit fraud charge too.


So as I see it, listing the offences:



Unlicenced waste managment

Benefit fraud (claiming whilst self-employed)

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some people can be so petty these days eh?, skips are for rubbish, so whether someone is putting stuff in or taking it out to recycle, does it really matter?, better to skip it than illegal dumping in my opinion, :roll:


How do you know that the contents of the skip weren't going to another location to be used for something else, the skip merely being a transport vessel?

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My opinion is that the Waste Management Provider have every right to press charges against the Scrap men for theft. At the end of the day I don't know the ins and outs but upon leasing the Skip to the client the Skip itself is very much still the property of the Waste Management provider and the items placed in the skip then become the property of the Waste Management Provider. Whether Metal or not they are licensed for the safe disposal of the contents of the skip, many are environmentally friendly and recycle as much as possible now as well.


Should anything metal be placed in the skip then I would imagine this would be weighed in / recycled legitimately and the proceeds of which are extra revenue for the company.


It's about time these illegal scrap men got what is coming to them. They are generally unlicensed and the majority of the time they trespass on property taking items whether scrap or not, one persons opinion of scrap isn't necessarily another persons and it is nothing short of theft.


The fact that you state the dole isn't enough also tells me that the people in question probably sign on as well as scavenge for scrap with is Benefit Fraud is it not?


Ask me I hope they throw the book at them!


The sad thing is that legitimate Scrap men do exist out there and all of the illegal thieves out there who like to call themselves scrap men are pretty much forcing the honest ones out of business. They are generally unlicensed for waste removal that in itself is a crime prosecuted by fine at minimum. Bang them all up!


Absolutley, Totally 100% agree, far too many of them about and as stated in another post they also take stuff that isn't scrap, basically they take what they want!

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