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How to deter Foxes

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My post on assasinating Charlie has been pulled - explanation please. Some of us actualy live in the countryside, and have to deal with the problems nature puts in our way. You can't deter Charlie, he cannot read notices to keep out, you have to dispose of him once he has killed your fowl, otherwise he will be back for another free lunch, and a spate of mindless killing. If you wish to get all your fowl killed, carry on with the deterant methods, but don't say I did not warn you. Charlie is not a little furry red friend like you see in books, he is an opportunistic killer - who will kill your chooks just for the love of it.




Putting human feelings onto an animal.....moron. They don't "love" it, they do it because of feast or famine. When foxes, wild dogs, dingos, leopards and many other carnivores find prey they will kill everything to hand. They don't do it because they are nasty or evil, they do it because they don't know where the next meal is coming from. It's nature, nothing to do with "loving it".


The only animal who "loves" killing other animals is man.


You know, the more you post the more you look like a troll.

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Putting human feelings onto an animal.....moron. They don't "love" it, they do it because of feast or famine. When foxes, wild dogs, dingos, leopards and many other carnivores find prey they will kill everything to hand. They don't do it because they are nasty or evil, they do it because they don't know where the next meal is coming from. It's nature, nothing to do with "loving it".


The only animal who "loves" killing other animals is man.


You know, the more you post the more you look like a troll.


Foxs have been known to kill every chicken in the coop but take only one or two to eat.

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Foxs have been known to kill every chicken in the coop but take only one or two to eat.


They do that because they are natural scavengers and think they can come back for the food which is obviously gone if and when they do.


I feed the foxes up stannington.I know a couple of dens and leave dog food out for them.

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I had the misfortune of leaning against an electric fence once.



I had the misfortune of peeing against an electric fence once ...Of course, you (if you are male) have to pee on something and there was this bush ... and I didn't notice the fence.:hihi::hihi: (Funny now - but it wasn't so funny at the time:o.)


To the OP: If there is a zoo with big cats anywhere near you see if you can get some big cat (preferably Lion - but Tiger is pretty good) or Elephant pee.


Sprinkle it around your property.


You won't have any problem with foxes!


(This is a serious reply. - Your local fox has never come across a big cat ... but all the race memories are there. It won't know why, but it won't want to go anywhere near where a big cat or an elephant has peed.)

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I like to leave the poor souls a bit of munch for them to snack on, we should not wish to kill small wee animals just because you dont like their nature. With some of you peoples logic 90% of animals must be exterminated, i dispare i really do :(

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I had the misfortune of leaning against an electric fence once.


WhooF! It threw me back about 5 feet. Good for you that your concern is deterring the fox rather than just killing it, like you say it's only doing what is natural.




We used to grab the electric wire for a dare when I was a kid.

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If I put up an electric fence I would put up a warning notice for humans, think I've seen this done


Spoilsport. That would take all the fun out of having an electric fence in the first place.


And what if foxes can read? He'd be back with his friends mr mole and mr badger to tunnel straight under it. :hihi:

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