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Does anybody change the name of the area that you live in?

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Totley Brook is part of Dore t020. It's on the north side of 'Old Hay Brook' which forms to limit between Dore and Totley.


On the map, the Totley Brook label is wrongly placed on Baslow Road, TB is north of the railway line where you see that road looping around that estate which is TB...


EDIT: Totley%20Brook.gif


Enjoy !

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Originally posted by Andy

But they are all areas - just because they're not council wards doesn't make them not areas.


I live in the Arbourthorne council ward, but my house is in Norfolk Park. Norfolk Park doesn't exist as a council ward, because the area is too small, so we're lumped together with Arbourthorne. But that doesn't mean that Norfolk Park doesn't exist.


It's the same with Kenwood, High Storrs and Hunters Bar. They are still all areas..




I'm not whinging about that - see (http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council/elections/ward-boundaries/arbourthorne) suggests that the area/district, whatever you want to call it NP, is within Arbourthorne (ward).


My whitterings are to do with the fact that HB, High Storrs and the other example I used, which I can't remember, isn't mentioned in the spiel on any of the wards.



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Originally posted by Captain_Scarlet

Totley Brook is part of Dore t020. It's on the north side of 'Old Hay Brook' which forms to limit between Dore and Totley.


On the map, the Totley Brook label is wrongly placed on Baslow Road, TB is north of the railway line where you see that road looping around that estate which is TB...


EDIT: Totley%20Brook.gif


Enjoy !


It may well be a part of the Dore council ward but it's still an area in its own right. A bit like Bents Green with Ecclesall.

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Originally posted by t020

It may well be a part of the Dore council ward but it's still an area in its own right. A bit like Bents Green with Ecclesall.

Or Leeds and Sheffield ;) Anyway, nice to see you did accept the truth, or I'd have to call you Strix or Angelus ;) ;) Then again I do not know Bents Green so I'd hold on to commenting on the area.


Then again again, you can start inventing names for any particular streets the way things are going, Totley Rise, Totley Bents, Totley Village, Totley Moor, Totley Grange, New Totley... These names exists but aren't 'areas' of their own.

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Originally posted by redrobbo

Err.....it's actually Highfield. Likewise, it's also Lowfield (not Lowfields) and Parson Cross (not Parsons Cross).


I live in Lowfield, but some folk call it Olive Grove or even Heeley.


I'm sure you're right, but living in the area in the 1940s/50s Highfields and Lowfields were the names I remember used, at least by we common folk. And there is a refence somewhere I can't find at the moment, to the effect that the 1758 turnpike to Sparrowpit Gate ran from the Chesterfield turnpike at Highfields, via Sharrow lane, Psalter lane etc.


Both, like Nether Edge, are districts named after houses. Highfield House stood opposite the bottom of Sharrow Lane together with Highfield Cottage on the corner of St. Barnabas road; and Lowfield House (Lowfield Cottage on some later maps) was built on a piece of land lying just behind the Royal Hotel at the junction of Abbeydale and London road, with Lowfield Terrace a little further down the hill. All countryside down to the river in those days of course and hard to imagine now.




is a picture of the old Highfield Cottage,


and another


Highfield Cottage is the last house you can see. Er - notice the caption says "Highfields" :)


and another view of the same scene.


Before Highfield(s) that little corner of Little Shefffield was known as Goose Green.

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Here's a true story for you, not really about changing the name of where you live more the neighbouring district.


I used to work in a department store as a Manager of a blind concession. A member of my staff was taking an order from a couple, she asked them for an address where they were going to be fitted, the couple gave their address which happened to be in Dore, to which she commented " Oh that's near me" the couple asked "where do you live" to which she replied "Lowedges" the couples face was an absolute picture and I nearly peed my pants after exiting to the stock room.:hihi:

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