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People who put large rocks on grass verges

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it is illegal to do this


Says who?


I can understand someone making a claim for damages but where is it written in law that you cannot put rocks on the verge? If the council owns the land then they can say what you can and cannot do on their land but that will be between the Council and whoever put the rocks there. As to the illegal part of it I doubt it.

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I always thought it was illegal to put big stones on the grass verge whether a privately owned house or council.


act and section ?


grass verges while they may form part of ' the queen's highway' aren't intended for any road user to travel over this being the purpose of the carriageway and the footpath ...

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act and section ?


grass verges while they may form part of ' the queen's highway' aren't intended for any road user to travel over this being the purpose of the carriageway and the footpath ...

This might help:


Items placed on the highway causing an obstruction. (Unauthorised signs, erections, materials or trading booths)


The Highway Authority shall serve notice under the appropriate section of the Highways Act to deal with the removal of the obstruction.


Section 132 of the Highways Act 1980 – unauthorised signs and structures.


Section 138 of the Highways Act 1980 – illegal erection of a building or fence.


Section 148 of the Highways Act 1980 – removal of dangerous deposits.


Section 154 of the Highways Act 1980 – removal of dangerous trees.


Section 143 of the Highways Act 1980 – removal of structures.


In addition;


Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 deals with the removal of waste materials such as mud on the highway which is a hazard to the highway user.


Section 148 might fit the bill for stones placed in the verge.

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If you trawl through the star you wll find several cases where the council have taken action against people who have put these stones down, as said earlier what i cant understand is why they are not removed / action taken during the annual highway inspection. As I know several that have bene there for years

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If you contact the council they will tell you that you are not allowed to place stones there whether painted white or not. They will also tell you that if anyone damages their vehicle then you could be liable. I received this information when I enquired as I was getting fed up of seeing churned up grass verges near me. As for bollards, I asked about putting these in and was also told it was not allowed.

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From what I understand it is illegal and those who put them there are liable for any damage they cause, however, the point that concerns me is that we are told by council officials that all streets in sheffield are inspected at least once a year , surely then all these stones should be identified and action taken to remove them.


our street is lined with them and all painted white....i think the old dears like to paint them...now that the donkey stoning of your front step..is no longer the activity it once was....:hihi:

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Because no matter whether you own the house or not, you do not own the verge, it belongs to highways dept. If a person or vehicle were to get damaged by these stones either would have a claim opportunity. I dont agree with peple parking on verges but if they do you should report on the 101 number not take your own measures to stop it.

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