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People who put large rocks on grass verges

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id imagine it was littering. just as putting an old tv there. its not your land


planner1 - i like your style, even going so far to work out that the lorry would easily knock the blocks down without too much damage!

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How can you prove who placed the rocks there though? As it may not be the owner of the house in front of the verge, it may even be a previous tentant?


I can't see anyone being prosecuted unless you are actually stopped doing placing them there?

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It seems a bit silly that people can't do anything about verges outside their homes being churned up. We have a dropped kerb and either side of it is a mess due to people using our drive to get onto the grass.


Has anyone seen the state of the verges on Harborough Ave, the new ones that have just had a fortune spent on them with block paving, new drives etc? They've been churned up all over and look a complete mess.

Edited by Rob_1
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I really think that people who want their verges to look nice & to stop people parking on them should be able to put rocks down. However, cars aren't the only problem.


I'm seriously thinking of planting several shrubs on mine. We make some effort to keep our verge looking good because I think it adds something to the overall look of the house & its surroundings. However, the council workers come along with their whacking great lawnmowers, regardless of whether we've just cut the verge ourselves or the ground is soaking wet and grind away at the grass. We had 3 big bald patches a couple of weeks ago when they did this. At least they've gone back to using hand mowers, they were cutting the verges with ride on mowers a couple of years ago which completely wrecked them. After some lively e-mail communications with one of the bosses, I managed to get them to leave our verge alone, but that only lasted for one season and then they were back hacking away at it.

Edited by irenewilde
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It is and they do but they can only get so close on their motorised mowers, you surely can't expect them to climb down from their machines and strim can you?


No, not at all, god forbid they should strim.


What I am suggesting is they should get off their lazy rses and pick the stones up and move them.

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AND THE GRASS WAS WET!!!!!!!! I bet if them stones were not there, you would of drove on the grass......


And if you could write English you would know the correct way of making your point would be "..you would HAVE DRIVEN on the grass".


Regarding the OP, my inclination is to think that some people really need to get out more. But then I think that in this particular case, perhaps it would be better if certain people stayed at home.

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Grass verges were created by SCC (and the old corporation) when rebuilding estates to create a bit of green.


You notice that a lot of new estates don't do this and they don't look as good.


I understand why people put these stones there but they tend to be on narrow roads which is one reason why people park on the verge as well.


The problem when people put these stones out is ther can prevent people getting out of cars.


At my kids old school (which we had to drive to due to distance and the fact

my eldest went to the special school next door and meant all had to go to schools next to each other) people put these stones out on the busy main road. They were so big that you couldn't open the door so HAD to get you children out on a busy road holding up traffic and becoming subject of road rage.


At one point one homeowner came out and said we couldn't park there due to the stones. When asked where was meant to park got the the usual don't drive - you're not local etc.

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