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People who put large rocks on grass verges

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We need two cars.


My wife is a midwife and is on call 24/7 some days and due my work my car isn't Always there and isn't insured for use for work as my wife's is.

we have a 7 seater due to 5 kids (3 disabled) it being a 4x4 is due to her work as it will get around Sheffield in the snow long after taxi's and buses have called it quits.


I work all over the country and therefore need a car to get there.


The complaint was referring to a time when we had one car (and one driver). Now I remove the rocks out of the way and place them along the adjoining driveways.


What is your problem with us having two cars?


Don't you just hate it when people edit their posts, therefore making a subsequent reply look irrelevant. I heard bit of revving there and and a gear going into reverse.

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Don't you just hate it when people edit their posts, therefore making a subsequent reply look irrelevant. I heard bit of revving there and and a gear going into reverse.


My edit still doesn't make it clear why I need two garages or driveways?


So please tell me why you feel I do?

Edited by jubby
Change "to" to "two"
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Then maybe it's time to get 2 garages. Or 2 driveways at least. Just think of the time and energy you'll save to channel into complaining about other things!


Why do we need two garages or at the least two driveways?

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Where do I say we own it? Or are you being a bit pedantic about my use of the word 'our' by which I mean 'the verge outside our property'? 'Our' just saves me writing that out every time I mention it.


No i'm not being pedantic, i'm trying to understand your frustration, and maybe help :)


I'm seriously thinking of planting several shrubs on mine. We make some effort to keep our verge looking good because I think it adds something to the overall look of the house & its surroundings. However, the council workers come along with their whacking great lawnmowers, regardless of whether we've just cut the verge ourselves or the ground is soaking wet and grind away at the grass. We had 3 big bald patches a couple of weeks ago when they did this. At least they've gone back to using hand mowers, they were cutting the verges with ride on mowers a couple of years ago which completely wrecked them. After some lively e-mail communications with one of the bosses, I managed to get them to leave our verge alone, but that only lasted for one season and then they were back hacking away at it.


How is writing 'Our' and 'mine' any easier than writing 'The Verge'?


See, I feel your frustration is in the fact that deep down, you know what your doing is wrong, it's not yours to do anything with, it does not belong to you.


What else in this world would you feel the right to take over, even when you know it doesn't belong to you?


Once you face the fact that your trying to take something thats not yours, even if your only doing it in your mind, and you stop doing it, then you'll feel the tension flow away.


It isn't your responsibility, or choice, to do anything with the grass verge that is part of the public highway.

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See, I feel your frustration is in the fact that deep down, you know what your doing is wrong, it's not yours to do anything with, it does not belong to you.


What else in this world would you feel the right to take over, even when you know it doesn't belong to you?


Once you face the fact that your trying to take something thats not yours, even if your only doing it in your mind, and you stop doing it, then you'll feel the tension flow away.


It isn't your responsibility, or choice, to do anything with the grass verge that is part of the public highway.


Wow. That's quite a dramatic post there, considering all we do is trim the grass verge in front of our house to make it look nice. Not quite sure what I'm 'taking', I've never tried to dig it up and put it in my back garden. There are an awful lot of people in our road and plenty of other roads doing the same thing, year in and year out. I didn't realise we were all a bunch of tensed-up, would be thieves. I'll remember that next time I'm patching up the bits the council lawnmowers have made bald. Better run across the road too and tell our neighbour that those daffodils he planted in the verge years ago is just his attempt to steal the verge.


Thank you so much for your attempts at amateur psychology - made me laugh anyway.


*I repeat again - we're talking about me tending to a few square feet of grass here.*

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Bearing in mind we had to took wing mirror in to prevent getting hit if we parked the about foot and half to be able to open the door to get my very young children (at the time) and my disabled child out of the door we would have been parked halfway in the road.



I meant move the car a few inches forwards or backwards to avoid the rocks - not park it 18 inches from the kerb. That's not very responsible at all.

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Wow. That's quite a dramatic post there, considering all we do is trim the grass verge in front of our house to make it look nice. Not quite sure what I'm 'taking', I've never tried to dig it up and put it in my back garden. There are an awful lot of people in our road and plenty of other roads doing the same thing, year in and year out. I didn't realise we were all a bunch of tensed-up, would be thieves. I'll remember that next time I'm patching up the bits the council lawnmowers have made bald. Better run across the road too and tell our neighbour that those daffodils he planted in the verge years ago is just his attempt to steal the verge.


Thank you so much for your attempts at amateur psychology - made me laugh anyway.


*I repeat again - we're talking about me tending to a few square feet of grass here.*


Ah I see, from your original post which I've quoted a few times now, you seemed very upset (enough to even communicate with the bosses) that 'your' verge is being managed by the actual owners.


How many people do something doesn't alter the facts. Thankfully.


I'm glad your laughing now at your silly little grass cutting saga, it is very mundane isn't it when you think about it :lol:

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I meant move the car a few inches forwards or backwards to avoid the rocks - not park it 18 inches from the kerb. That's not very responsible at all.


Do to avoid the rocks you suggest I block a drive!! The rocks are not normally one or two but one every 6 inches.

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Ah I see, from your original post which I've quoted a few times now, you seemed very upset (enough to even communicate with the bosses) that 'your' verge is being managed by the actual owners.



Oh dear, if only some people could read properly, maybe they'd understand and not make fools of themselves. The reason I got in touch with the people who maintain the grass was because of the *type* of mower they were using that particular year. They were using massive, ride-on mowers to cut narrow grass verges. They were far too heavy and cut so low they were just leaving bare mud and tyre tracks in every verge in the whole area. Anyone with a bit of horticultural knowledge could see that was wrong & I have more than a bit. The guy I was in touch with pretty much admitted they weren't the right machines for the job and incidentally, was perfectly happy to let me maintain the verge myself - apparently other people ask for this too. It just doesn't get passed from year to year so presumably I'd have to e-mail them again, which I don't feel the need to do. It's also worth noting that they changed back to push along mowers later in the year and haven't used the big machines since.



I'm glad your laughing now at your silly little grass cutting saga, it is very mundane isn't it when you think about it


Here of course, you're either wilfully misunderstanding what I said or again, perhaps find it hard to understand simple sentences. When I said I was laughing at *your* amateurish attempts at psychology, that meant I was laughing at *you*, not the grass cutting stuff. And yes, maybe it's mundane, but it was a thread about protecting grass verges and so I put a message about protecting grass verges in the thread. Which of course is more than you've managed as you just seem to have come here to get yourself all confused about what I mean.


Not quite sure why you're feeling the need to get so involved in this. I could try a little amateur psychology myself and say maybe you're someone who doesn't live in a beautiful area with well kept verges, trees covered in pink blossom and neighbours who take a pride in their surroundings. And maybe that's making you a little bit bitter towards those who do.


Bored with you now.

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Bless :lol:


My work here is done, I know alot of my posts go over some peoples heads.


You'd told me all I needed to know with the back-tracking in post #77 - but the added attempted insults were a bonus, you must be proud.


For the record, the thread isn't about protecting grass verges, it's about the morons who take it upon themselves to obstruct the public highway.

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