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Question for the conspiracy fans: Horus worship

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But none of those deities actually exist. Specifically why is it worse for an 'illuminatus' to worship the non-existant Horus than it is for a christian to worship their equally non-existant god?


Im not going to try and explain why i think the occult is bad and Christians are better in comparison, you figure it out. Also I havent said that satanists / the occult / Luciferians / illuminatus, whatever you want to label them worship horus. I was trying to say that horus has a part to play in this area..

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...I havent said that satanists / the occult / Luciferians / illuminatus, whatever you want to label them worship horus. I was trying to say that horus has a part to play in this area..


1. Still doesn't explain why Horus would 'play a part' in Satanism. Horus and Satan are from unrelated mythologies.


2. Do you accept my basic premise that Horus, Satan, Lucifer, and occult demonic entities in general, do not exist?

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"Even IF there were people worshipping Horus, what's so bad about that? What's the big deal?"


The masons do use a lot of the symbolism



"The All Seeing Eye, like many other Masonic symbols, has been borrowed from the past from the nations of antiquity."



I don't know if they actually worship Horus, in fact I doubt it.

What gave the impression there is a big deal? Or is it just an excuse to take a swipe at those that don't believe the garbage spoon fed by the government, BBC etc.


Question the Official story and you must believe in lizard people type things?

"What gave the impression there is a big deal?" What you mean aside from the fact that conspiracy nuts like you continually bleat on about such stuff?


Even in your attempt to deny that such things matter to conspiracy freaks you can't help but link to a site attempting to give substance to such nonsense.

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1. Still doesn't explain why Horus would 'play a part' in Satanism. Horus and Satan are from unrelated mythologies.


2. Do you accept my basic premise that Horus, Satan, Lucifer, and occult demonic entities in general, do not exist?


1 - Different groups, occults etc are influenced by varying elements of different mythologies, different mythologies can have a tendency to be similar in parts, like some religions that tend to steel bits from there predecessors' etc. its all a tangled web..


2. Yes I do.

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Symbolism is fascinating.


I've noticed Lady Gaga has a particular obsession with Egyptian and solar cult symbolism. I'd love to know if it is intentional, i.e. she is deeply interested in the subject, or whether she is using it for other reasons. She has said in interviews she has an interest in the occult, so my "theory" is she is using this symbolism as a means to empower her image in the same way they empowered those who used them in ancient times.


Personally, I am sick to death of seeing this "all seeing eye pyramid" symbol. It probably used to mean something deep and significant, now these ancient symbols have been taken down to the same level as the pop culture trash that defiles it. It's now just an ironic veneration, something the Situationists would be proud of. It's as bad as any kind of historical amnesia.


Please do not necessarily associate the images with the theme of the sites that host them.


Yes, Lady BlaBla, we get it, you want to create a cult following


As above, so below (ignore the association with a particular interpretation of Bathomet)


Me, myself and eye - a particular obsession of several high profile pop stars at the moment. It's not necessarily sinister though. It's probably just another ancient and forgotten symbol that meant something far deeper than it does to today's brain-dead youth.


The solar goddess


The solar goddess in all her glory - more solar worship. Or is it Lady Gaga worship? I am so confuzzled! :rolleyes: Nice try Gaga.


Yet more solar symbolism

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Sure, I found this googling for a few mins, its been some years and several laptops since i did my own research on the subject. So this is some random self styled Satanists site, some no doubt copy and pasted info on Aleister Crowley -


'Satan is, in Crowley's cosmology, "the Sun-Father, the vibration

of Life that Flames with this cosmic Energy", the solar-Phallic Current.

In a ritual "to invoke the Energies of the Aeon of Horus, the

ritual of the Mark of the Beast", the powers of ShT are called forth'



You can find references to horus in occult rituals, symbolism, general texts etc...

You've spliced two quotes together there to make it look like Crowley includes Horus in his "cosmology", in actuality it is just the author speculating.

This is also from your link:

Crowley's conception of the 'Devil' is not too far removed from

that of contemporary Satanists. Crowley states that "The Devil does not


The whole content of the link is shabby, with much conflicting text. It provides no solid information on the supposed link between Satanism and Horus, which you claim.

Im not going to try and explain why i think the occult is bad and Christians are better in comparison, you figure it out. Also I havent said that satanists / the occult / Luciferians / illuminatus, whatever you want to label them worship horus. I was trying to say that horus has a part to play in this area..


And I'm trying to say "what part?"

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Symbolism is fascinating.


I've noticed Lady Gaga has a particular obsession with Egyptian and solar cult symbolism. I'd love to know if it is intentional, i.e. she is deeply interested in the subject, or whether she is using it for other reasons. She has said in interviews she has an interest in the occult, so my "theory" is she is using this symbolism as a means to empower her image in the same way they empowered those who used them in ancient times.


Personally, I am sick to death of seeing this "all seeing eye pyramid" symbol. It probably used to mean something deep and significant, now these ancient symbols have been taken down to the same level as the pop culture trash that defiles it. It's now just an ironic veneration, something the Situationists would be proud of. It's as bad as any kind of historical amnesia.


Please do not necessarily associate the images with the theme of the sites that host them.


Yes, Lady BlaBla, we get it, you want to create a cult following


As above, so below (ignore the association with a particular interpretation of Bathomet)


Me, myself and eye - a particular obsession of several high profile pop stars at the moment. It's not necessarily sinister though. It's probably just another ancient and forgotten symbol that meant something far deeper than it does to today's brain-dead youth.


The solar goddess


The solar goddess in all her glory - more solar worship. Or is it Lady Gaga worship? I am so confuzzled! :rolleyes: Nice try Gaga.


Yet more solar symbolism


You think she's bad? Check out this PROOF!!!!!! that Alex Jones is the ultimate sinister ringleader of Horus/Satan worship and the big boss of the NWO/Illuminati !!!!!!!

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You think she's bad? Check out this PROOF!!!!!! that Alex Jones is the ultimate sinister ringleader of Horus/Satan worship and the big boss of the NWO/Illuminati !!!!!!!


Be fair now, there's a difference between acknowledging and being interested in the symbolic themes people/organisations exploit and jumping to the conclusion it means they're part of the illuminati/NWO.

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1 - Different groups, occults etc are influenced by varying elements of different mythologies, different mythologies can have a tendency to be similar in parts, like some religions that tend to steel bits from there predecessors' etc. its all a tangled web..


Thanks, but that's fairly uncontroversial though isn't it?


Some mythologies have (often entirely coincidental) similarities, and some cultural myths and practices beg, borrow, and steal bits from other cultures. That happens all the time.


There are some similarities between Horus and Jesus for example, and there is also evidence that the early Christian church was influenced by the practices of roman Mithraism. But it would be a huge leap of the imagination to use that to suggest that Horus or Mithras play any significant role in modern, mainstream Christian practice.


Do you believe that the role Horus plays in modern satanism or illuminism is greater than the role he plays in modern Christianity? If you do, what specifically is that role, and why is it so significant that we should worry about it?

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There are some similarities between Horus and Jesus for example, and there is also evidence that the early Christian church was influenced by the practices of roman Mithraism. But it would be a huge leap of the imagination to use that to suggest that Horus or Mithras play any significant role in modern, mainstream Christian practice.


given that Horus, Mithras and others influenced the early christian thinkers and they define the boundaries of modern christianity then they have as much influence as they ever had.


one of the reasons why christianity has been successful is that it has been quite adept as absorbing elements from other religions.

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