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Question for the conspiracy fans: Horus worship

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If possible, could any of the SF's conspiracy fans answer this for me WITHOUT resorting to caps-lock and excessive use of exclamation and question marks, youtube link-spamming and ranting without ACTUALLY providing any answers?


Whenever I read or hear about conspiracy claims to do with the Illuminati/new world order/freemasons/reptilian humanoid society, there's usually pyramid symbols involved and/or the "all seeing eye". When these are mentioned it is usually claimed that this is proof of worship to the Egyptian god Horus (sometimes Isis and Osiris also).

The claim is usually presented in such a way that suggests we should be shocked/worried/scared/alarmed about this.


My question is:

Even IF there were people worshipping Horus, what's so bad about that? What's the big deal?


People do worship gods, many different ones. Why should anyone worry about Horus-worship?


(I know that Jesus's story was basically copied from Horus' story, but that's not the discussion here, so let's not get into another God thread!)





All your answers are here. Good luck. Lot of usefull info.

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Be fair now, there's a difference between acknowledging and being interested in the symbolic themes people/organisations exploit and jumping to the conclusion it means they're part of the illuminati/NWO.


Tell that to the conspiracy fans, although my post was a spoof, there are many "truthers" who present similar dot-to-dot style images as "PROOF!!!!!" of connections between people, organisations (real or imaginary) and unrelated conspiracy theories.

There used to be a member on here who would present satellite images of towns with lines drawn between selected points on the photo to create pentagrams and triangles (pyramids) as though they were subliminal symbols we were all "sheeple" to. Of course, it all meant devil worshipping secret global organisations.

One of the many problems with conspiracy fans is that they think it IS all connected, celebrities, mentions of pyramids or eyes, presidents, money, population control, you name it, they can jump to a conclusion about it.

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All your answers are here. Good luck. Lot of usefull info.

No, there are NO answers there, I looked the first time you posted the link, I responded with this...

Have a gander at http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/.


Some excellent reading on here. Up to you what you want to believe.


Or believe what goverments want you to believe.

Just had a look at that site, can't see anything relevant to this thread, unless you want to point out exactly which bit.


What DOES the government want us to believe about Horus?




EDIT: Oh dear...


Why Science Wants Us to be Chimps

By wmw_admin on April 19, 2012


J.P. Tomkins – henrymakow.com April 18, 2012


Scientific research regarding human origins has been skewed to promote and justify an amoral vision of man as simply an evolved animal without a soul connection to God.


By dehumanizing us, the Illuminati can justify many malicious inventions aimed at societal control and population reduction.


One of the goals of the technocratic elite has been to prove that humans share a common ancestry with chimpanzees. This will allow the elite to re-engineer humanity according to their specifications.


So the theory of evolution exists purely as a means to "justify many malicious inventions aimed at societal control and population reduction."

That's a very educational website you got there :huh::help:


But just as I expected, you ignored the response and continued to spam. Conspiracy fans are so predictable. Like sheep.

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"What gave the impression there is a big deal?" What you mean aside from the fact that conspiracy nuts like you continually bleat on about such stuff?


Even in your attempt to deny that such things matter to conspiracy freaks you can't help but link to a site attempting to give substance to such nonsense.


I have never "bleated on about such stuff" I was merely trying to help the OP get an answer to the question asked.

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1. Still doesn't explain why Horus would 'play a part' in Satanism. Horus and Satan are from unrelated mythologies.


2. Do you accept my basic premise that Horus, Satan, Lucifer, and occult demonic entities in general, do not exist?


1. It might have something to with an idea that deities do not change, man's name for them do.


2. No more than I accept the premise that they do exist.


Look up Yaldabaoth

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